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User:Supershow From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Contents [hide] 1 User: Supershow 2 Introduction 3 Intellectual Growth 4 Spiritual Growth 5 Goals 6 Achievements 6.1 Interests
[edit] User: Supershow User: Supershow is a web genius, junior song-writer, junoir color analyyst, and a member of various poular websites.
[edit] Introduction “I don’t need the world, or anything in the world, but my family, but the world needs me and when it doesn’t need me, I’ll make it need me because I have a strong intellectual and spiritual sense of mind. This summarizes my spiritual belief and intellectual beliefs of the world. For God made me who I am, and gave me the privilege to be my own individual. This year I’ve strived to think intellectually and live spiritually. These beliefs are what made/make me grow as a person and student.
[edit] Intellectual Growth My intellectuality has evolved over this year. Prior to 8th grade, I knew many vocabulary, but no significant words. For Example “ The best lives” to “The paramount lives”. I’ve also made changes in general use, large to Vast; honorable to Venerable, and summary to Synopsis. Then I took my limited vocabulary and opened up a vocabulary that reflects my true knowledge. The vast amount off essays have helped me to concentrate and improve on certain skills. Revising skills, subject-verb agreement, variety of vocabulary, spelling and grammar, and skills of research. As well, my mind can answer questions in a innovatively. What’s more, outside of school I can utilize my knowledge, and vocabulary to help others. For instance, My brother asked “Do you know what an Utopia means? “ An Utopia is a place, region you desire for or live in suitable to your standards. Creativity, makes up the last part of my intellectual growth, as well as decision-making, coming up with an original design, and one impressive to others.
[edit] Spiritual Growth Spiritual growth, or intake depends on how you use means of wisdom, methods, customs, and thoughts to reflect on the world. And my religion is that God is our savior, founder, ender, and center of the universe. We should place nothing in the world, especially ourselves, over him but to follow him, respect others, and to show great refinement and concern with the higher things in life. Judging by my statement, I have grown conditionally. For example, something related to Church, 3 months ago, when the Church hosted a poster contest “For Crossing Cultures for Christ”. I worked my true hardest on the project on the last too days in mind-breaking conditions, with no break, using a lot of colors and people to reflect my message of Crossing Cultures for Christ. In the end, I didn’t receive first place(middle school, my brother of a higher grade came in second place, I received a cheap prize, and I was logically upset, but I stopped complaining and I felt that I would do this again not for $40 but for fun. Outside of school, my character drifts away. I do prey for other people, my family members, the world if necessary, and me of course. Although, when nature, people, or family upset me, can easily lose faith. When this happens, I do not allow it to corrupt my good sprit, strong will, and alleviance on others. For instance, I’ve never achieved a 4.0 grade, it frustrates me, embarrasses me sometimes, but it only makes my motivation stronger as well as other’s support. As you can tell, I’m a content person, waiting for a change, whatever God has for me, one that reflects my real meaning in life.
[edit] Goals In the next 20 years, I can picture myself doing either of three things. One life I can see is myself working on a huge 10,000 word autobiography of myself, and whatever house my parents decide on, I’ll finish paying off. I might become a doctor, would make $2,000 per week, and occasionally miss my children’s soccer game or award’s promotion, but having the right to be there. Last but not least, a lawyer, and the same situations would happen in life 2. But if all else, I’d wish I could be
[edit] Achievements Supershow has been on the honor roll for every year. 2005, National Junior Honor society Various medals, ribbons, and pins achieved over many years. [edit] Interests Supershow has many gimmicks(Alter-egos) such as pretending he is a superman, but he's 14. He likes all music genres except for country. Currently is writing an album called the Great I.IS. He likes Wrestling and Basketball. He writes for a hobby.]]
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