Bertrand Russell
Bertrand Russell filosofo, idazle eta matematikari ingelesa 1872ko maiatzaren 18an jaio zen Galesen.
Bibliografia itzelaren egilea da, haren liburuetan bereziki Matematikaz, Filosofiaz eta Politikaz idatziz. XX.mendeko filosoforik eragingarrienetarikoa izan zen.
1950ean Literaturako Nobel saria jaso zuen.
1970eko otsailaren 2an hil zen.
[aldatu] Bibliografia
- 1896, German Social Democracy.
- 1897, An Essay on the Foundations of Geometry.
- 1900, A Critical Exposition of the Philosophy of Leibniz.
- 1903, The Principles of Mathematics.
- 1910, Philosophical Essays.
- 1910-1913, Principia Mathematica (3 liburuki).
- 1912, The Problems of Philosophy.
- 1914, Our Knowledge of the External World as a Field for Scientific Method in Philosophy.
- 1916, Principles of Social Reconstruction.
- 1916, Justice in War-time.
- 1917, Political Ideals.
- 1918, Mysticism and Logic and Other Essays.
- 1918, Roads to Freedom: Socialism, Anarchism, and Syndicalism. * 1919, Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy.
- 1920, [The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism.
- 1921, The Analysis of Mind.
- 1922, The Problem of China.
- 1923, The Prospects of Industrial Civilization.
- 1923, The ABC of Atoms.
- 1924, Icarus, or the Future of Science.
- 1925, The ABC of Relativity.
- 1925, What I Believe.
- 1926, On Education, Especially in Early Childhood.
- 1927, The Analysis of Matter.
- 1927, An Outline of Philosophy.
- 1927, Why I Am Not a Christian.
- 1927, Selected Papers of Bertrand Russell.
- 1928, Sceptical Essays.
- 1929, Marriage and Morals.
- 1930, The Conquest of Happiness.
- 1931, The Scientific Outlook.
- 1932, Education and the Social Order.
- 1934, Freedom and Organization, 1814–1914.
- 1935, In Praise of Idleness.
- 1935, Religion and Science.
- 1936, Which Way to Peace?.
- 1937, The Amberley Papers: The Letters and Diaries of Lord and Lady Amberley, 2 liburuki.
- 1938, Power: A New Social Analysis.
- 1940, An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth.
- 1945, A History of Western Philosophy and Its Connection with Political and Social Circumstances from the Earliest Times to the Present Day.
- 1948, Human Knowledge: Its Scope and Limits.
- 1949, Authority and the Individual.
- 1950, Unpopular Essays.
- 1951, New Hopes for a Changing World.
- 1952, The Impact of Science on Society.
- 1953, Satan in the Suburbs and Other Stories.
- 1954, Human Society in Ethics and Politics.
- 1954, Nightmares of Eminent Persons and Other Stories.
- 1956, Portraits from Memory and Other Essays.
- 1956, Logic and Knowledge: Essays 1901-1950.
- 1957, Why I Am Not A Christian and Other Essays on Religion and Related Subjects.
- 1958, Understanding History and Other Essays.
- 1959, Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare.
- 1959, My Philosophical Development.
- 1959, Wisdom of the West.
- 1960, Bertrand Russell Speaks His Mind.
- 1961, The Basic Writings of Bertrand Russell.
- 1961, Fact and Fiction.
- 1961, Has Man a Future?.
- 1963, Essays in Skepticism.
- 1963, Unarmed Victory.
- 1965, On the Philosophy of Science.
- 1967, Russell's Peace Appeals.
- 1967, War Crimes in Vietnam.
- 1967-1969, The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell (3 liburuki).
- 1969, Dear Bertrand Russell... A Selection of his Correspondence with the General Public 1950-1968.