Wikipedia:Txokoa/2005eko maiatza
2005 urteko maiatzan, txokoan izan ziren eztabaidak daude hemen gordeta.
[aldatu] Translation of the week
Currently we have started a project on meta.wikipedia to get an article translated in as many wikipedias as possible every week. The article will be about a subject that usually gets rarely translated and has a lot of links to other subjects. Currently we have no-one to translate in your language. If someone is interested to participate please see: meta:Translation of the week You can also submit articles from your own languages there that you think deserve translation, but have a small chance of it. The articles must not be to short and not to long and have lots of links to possible other articles! en:user:Waerth
- Ez da ideia txarra astero astero wikipedia guztiek gutxienez artikulu bera itzultzea, baina agian aukeratutako artikuluak ez dute interes handirik. Horrexegatik euskerazko wikipedian hilabetero gai bat aukeratzea proposatzen dut, eta hilabete hortan gaiari buruzko ahal diren artikulu gehienak osatu (Europar Batasuna eta bertako estatuak adibidez). Zer diozue besteok? Kaxero, 2005-05-05
- Niri ondo iruditzen zait ideia. Hilabetero gai orokor eta landugabekoa hauta dezakegu osatzen joateko. Gai hori azalean jar genezake hilabeteko artikulu modura. --ziberpunk 13:20, 14 May 2005 (UTC)