Félag íslenskra þjóðernissinna
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Félag íslenskra þjóðernissinna (Association of Icelandic Nationalists, also Company or Companionship rather than Association), known as FÍÞ, is, as of 2006, the only public association of Icelandic Nazis or national socialists in recent years.
They seek to ensure Iceland's racial homogeneity for the future and their beliefs correspond mostly with Nordic elitism or Odinism, for some simply Nazism.
Their philosophy is racialist. Their membership is small, no more than 100, and they have never successfully exerted political influence. As of 2006, the group appears to be inactive, and there are no signs of a revival.[citation needed]
Nazism has never had much following in Iceland, as Icelandic nationalism is normally rooted in the restoration of the old republic of 930, and thus inherently linked to democracy, conservative cultural traditions and ethics, the independence of individuals and independence of each nation, all of which are anathema to Nazism.