Talk:Family Feud rules and production
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You know that's funny, because GSN got a way with showing the 1994 FF with Dawson during a Halloween epiosde in 2003 or 2004. Or was that before the contract?
Nextbarker 16:16, 22 December 2006 (UTC)nextbarker
I'm as stumped as you are on this one, because the contract was in effect, like, when the Dark Period ended on Game Show Network. My take on it is that they very likely paid to air an episode of the 1994-95 version on Halloween 2004.
Green Lantern 9:28, 30 December 2006
yy, I don't know how GSN got away with showing FF 1994 Halloween when they are not allowed to show it.
THANKS GSN!!!! 21:07, 30 December 2006 (UTC)nextbarker
yy, that's right, they paid for that one crummy episode of the 1994 version of Feud and save the money for the reality shows, that's really stupid.
Nextbarker 01:38, 4 January 2007 (UTC)nextbarker
I take it you want to see FF '94 as much as I do. And I sure wouldn't mind seeing it for the first time. But remember, they may also be trying to get back The Price is Right. Green Lantern
[edit] TPIR returns to GSN
Doubtful, Green Lantern CBS is afraid the ratings on TPIR today will decrease, if you believe that cock of bull
According to Les Moonves
--Nextbarker 02:03, 14 February 2007 (UTC) nextbarker
I know. Les is such a wimp. I meant if the chance ever came up. The Green Lantern 03:12, 15 February 2007 (UTC)
Chance, might be a 0.01% at long at Les remains head or whatever he does for CBS, how does he know that the ratings will decrease in the daytime, 25% of americans are working or in school so they can't see TPIR, Les is a moron, plain and simple.
I know the furs were vetoed by Bob, Understandable, but did he have to take away TPIR from GSN? He probably traded them some reality shows like Amazing Race, thankfully, late night, but not gonna last, it'll be gone.