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telephone : a metaphor for talking to YHVH.
- Example: Fifth Element: When Mr. Zorg is on the telephone Ultimate Evil arrives (one scene in the movie).
- The error here is in the assumption that a single person does have that influence; precedents take the collective karma of the species into account.
- A breakeven of altruistic and ethical behaviour is required from a majority of the popullation, not isolated actions of a single person or small elite ¹) That starts with teaching ethics, especially Kant's Categorical Imperative properly.
- ¹) That is merely a metaphor where a single person represents humanity.
telephone company : A [religious] group that claims responsibility for the interpretation of YHVH's language.
- Example:, telephone companies usually are tax exempt. Vodafone is just following the metaphor (taxi driving). Of course, telephone companies should aim to be Tax exempt.
- While this metaphor doesn't seem harmful for the telephone company, furthering greed is still the complement of what is in humanities best interest.
- Taxi driving can be useful at times, there is no reason to assume it is always the complement of something good. You have to consider the consequences of what you are doing yourself and this can often be complicated.
Fernmeldewesen {de} -> Fern (remote) + Meld[ung] (message, advice) + wesen (creature) -> Remote advisor
- (The literal translation of "Fernmeldewesen" is just "communications")
to pray -> anrufen {de} -> to phone