Federation Against Copyright Theft
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FACT redirects here, for the word see Fact
The Federation Against Copyright Theft (FACT) is a trade organisation in the UK established to protect and represent the interests of the film and broadcasting industry against copyright and trademark infringements. Established in 1983, FACT works closely with statutory law enforcement agencies to combat the growth of copyright-infringing and counterfeit DVDs, film and other forms of broadcast material, including the threat to film and broadcasting companies from online/internet-based copyright infringement. FACT has been accepted as a prosecution authority and engages in criminal prosecutions in its own right.
FACT's adverts appear at the beginning of many videos and DVDs, urging consumers to check whether they have a genuine copy, and providing contact details to report any illegalities.
In 2006 FACT seized over 1.6m pirate DVDs and enhanced its enforcement capabilities against those involved in the manufacture, distribution and sale of copyright material both online and in hard copy format.
[edit] Trivia
- Often on pirate DVD's the 'FACT' lettering is replaced with a similar looking 'FUCK' label.