Felicity Riddy
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Professor Felicity Riddy, academic, author and specialist in Arthurian literature.
Educated at Auckland University, New Zealand and Oxford, Felicity Riddy became an academic with wide interests in late-medieval literature and culture. Among her research interests are John Hardyng, the Pearl poet, Malory and medieval Scottish literature.
Now a Professor of English and Related Literature and Deputy Vice-Chancellor at the University of York, she chairs the British Arthurian Society. Recently her interest in urban culture (stimulated by the Centre for Medieval Studies interdisciplinary urban household research group) has produced articles on urban courtesy texts, romances, devotional reading and domestic authority. She is director of an AHRC-funded research project on privately owned urban manuscripts.
[edit] Publications
Felicity Riddy's books and articles include:
- Sir Thomas Malory (1987)
- Macmillan Literary Anthologies, I, Old and Middle English Literature (London, 1989 (with M. J. Alexander).
- An anthology of Longer Scottish Poems, 1375-1650 (1987) (with P Bawcutt)
- Regionalism in Late Medieval Manuscripts and Texts (1991) (ed.)
- John Hardyng in Search of the Grail, in Arturus Rex, ed. by W. Van Hoecke (Leuven, 1991), pp. 419-29.
- Glastonbury, Joseph of Arimathea and the Grail in John Hardyng’s Chronicle, in The Archaeology and History of Glastonbury Abbey, ed. by Lesley Abrams and James P. Carley (Woodbridge, 1991), pp. 317-31.
- Selected Poems of Henryson and Dunbar (1992) (with P Bawcutt)
- Co-editor of the annual Arthurian Literature (1993-8)(with J. Carley)
- John Hardyng’s Chronicle and the Wars of the Roses, Arthurian Literature, 12 (1996), 91-108.
- A feminist reading of Henryson's 'Testament of Cresseid (1997, repr. 1999).
- Prestige, Authority and Power in Late Medieval Manuscripts and Texts (2000) (ed.)
- Looking closely: authority and intimacy in the late-medieval urban home in Medieval Women and Power Revisited: Challenging the Master Narrative, edited by M. Kowaleski and M. Erler (2003)
- Youth in the Middle Ages (2004) (co-edited with P.J.P. Goldberg)
- Temporary Virginity and the Everyday Body: Le Bone Florence of Rome and Bourgeois Self-Making in Pulp Fictions, edited by N. McDonald (2004)
- The moral household in The Medieval Household in Christian Europe c. 850-c. 1550, edited by C. Beattie, A. Maslovic and S. Rees Jones (2004)