Talk:Feline infectious peritonitis
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[edit] FIP
I created this page on July 18, 2005 in memory of Woody, a family friend who died from this awful disease. puskarm July 18, 2005 22:48 (UTC)
[edit] Interferon
"Feline Interferon Omega has shown great promise of putting F.I.P. into remission and can possibly increase the life span for a few more years. Feline Interferon Omega or Virbagen Omega is a product that is made by the company called Virbac. The company that is producing the drug is currently working on it is in Europe and the drug is not for use in North America yet unless. The only way right now that you can do to get the drug is you have to contact the company in Europe and ask for it. The only problem with this drug is unless you have it at your veterinary clinic right when the symptoms show the the drug will not do any good because it can take up to 10 days for it to arrive from Europe and by that time if death has not yet occured it is to late to do the cat any good." [added to the article by anon]
Interferon treatment in cats is already well established for other chronic viral diseases (eg, FIV) however I've never heard or seen it proposed for use in FIP. Since the immune reaction is actually what causes fluid accumulation and ultimately death, immunostimulatatory drugs would probably be counterproductive. Typically human interferon is used (interferon alpha-2a, Roferon) while the product above sounds like recombinant feline interferon which may or may not make any difference. --Bk0 (Talk) 18:55, 3 March 2007 (UTC)