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English: Fire generated by a burning weed. No use of petrol.
Español: Fuego generado por la quema de hierbas. Sin uso de pétroleo.
Polski: Ogień wytworzony przez płonące chwasty. Bez użycia benzyny.
Português: Fogo gerado por um borrifador de inseticida sem o uso de petróleo ou derivado.
Taken by Fir0002
Camera Details: Camera: Canon 20D Lens: Tamron SP AF28-75mm F/2.8 XR Di
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This image was selected as a picture of the day for February 24, 2006. It was captioned as followed:
English: A fire generated by a burning weed. It burned without the use of petrol. The picture was taken with a Canon 20D and a Tamron SP AF28-75mm F/2.8 XR Di lens.
Deutsch: Strohfeuer
Français : Un feu produit par de l'herbe enflammée.
Español: Fuego generado en la quema de mala hierba.
Česky: Oheň vzniklý spalováním plevele
Deutsch: Strohfeuer
English: A fire generated by a burning weed. It burned without the use of petrol. The picture was taken with a Canon 20D and a Tamron SP AF28-75mm F/2.8 XR Di lens.
Español: Fuego generado en la quema de mala hierba.
Français : Un feu produit par de l'herbe enflammée.
ગુજરાતી: બળતા ઘાસની જ્વાળાઓ
Magyar : Szalmaláng
Íslenska: Eldtungur af logandi hampi.
Latina: Ignis herbarum ardentium.
Português: Fogo gerado por um borrifador de inseticida sem o uso de derivado de petróleo.
Русский: Пожар — горит трава.
Slovenščina: Ogenj ob zažiganju plevela
Српски / Srpski: Ватра настала од спаљеног сена
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