Fisher Hassenfeld College House
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The Fisher Hassenfeld College House (formerly the Goldberg House) is a college house at the University of Pennsylvania, an Ivy League university in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
[edit] About the Goldberg House
The Goldberg House is the former name of the current Fisher Hassenfeld College House. Goldberg House provided a variety of seminar courses to its residents. In-House seminar topics have included "Law and Lawyers in America: Perspectives in Film and Literature," and "Issues in American Democracy." The House hosted at least one Critical Writing Seminar each semester, taught by its resident Critical Writing Fellow, and the Faculty Master.
[edit] History
From 2002–2003, Goldberg House was known as Woodland House. [1] In 2002, the University of Pennsylvania’s historic "Quad," site of the oldest dormitories on campus, received a joint $11.5 million commitment from Penn alumni Alan Hassenfeld and Jerome Fisher, and Mr. Fisher’s wife, Anne. In recognition of their gifts, the University renamed the Goldberg College House as Fisher Hassenfeld College House in 2003.[2]