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Flat-D is a manufacturer of various activated charcoal products, such as pads, underwear, and cushions, for reducing the odor of flatus. The name stands for flatulence deodorizer. CBS News mentioned the company in their daily "Odd Truth" roundup of "strange but factual" news stories, saying:
- It's a gas mask—but it's not one you wear over your face. The Flat-D pad is a deodorizer that goes inside your underwear.[1]
According to the company's website, the idea for the product arose when the inventor, Brian Conant, was serving in the Hawaii National Guard:
- During a simulated Chemical attack, Brian and few other soldiers were tasked to complete their mission, while wearing Chemical protective clothing. While wearing the clothing he released gas and noticed that he couldn’t smell any odor nor could anyone else.[2]
The product line also includes products intended to reduce odors from ostomy bags, products for reducing feminine odors other than flatulence, and canine diapers and thongs for deodorizing dog flatulence.
[edit] References
- ^ The Odd Truth, April 24, 2003 (2003-04-25). Retrieved on 2006-12-10.
- ^ Brian Conant. About the American Inventor. Retrieved on 2006-12-10.