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To me, flirting is touching another person ever so lightly, letting them know how attractive you find them, but leaving no expectations. Flirting does not have to lead to a relationship, but it leaves the door open. Done properly, both sides will feel better for the experience. They will feel attractive and somehow more alive. When I catch someone's eye across a crowded room and smile a little then look away, it only means that I appreciate the person. It is like paying a wordless compliment. When I treat an 11 year old or an 81 year old as though they were a lady my age, it is a gesture of respect. Carlos Castenada speaks of seeing people as luminous beings. That description always struck me. Flirting for me is showing the person that you appreciate that luminous being beneath the skin. That is why a 70 year old man dressed in a suit, with a Panama hat and walking stick, sitting on the piazza in Rome with a glass of Pernod, can flirt with a 30 year old married business woman clutching a cell phone and a briefcase, and neither need feel embarrassed or out of place. Licentious 15:00, 22 March 2007 (UTC)Licentious