FM Underground
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FM Underground is a popular cult website and community that was created to be a place to discuss the popular PC and XBOX game Football manager. Currently listed as an affiliate of the SI games development team (the creators of Football manager and the earlier Championship Manager series), the non-profit website features a massive list of third party downloads for the game (often shared with other supporting affiliate websites) and a frequently visited comminuty forum page, of which there is currently over 25000 members. Regarded as one of the largest supporter sites of the game, it features a batch of regulars who not only answer the questions of new, and confused users (as well as sorting potential technical problems, though this is done to a much lesser degree than that of the SI forums themselves), but also have abstract, meaningless disscussions that are "generally amusing if a little weird".
The forums feature a set of devoted posters (many of which have over 500 contributions a peice) which all generally post less about the game and more about random figurative topics, but still adhere to general pricibles, and help people in need. The most noted poster at the site is Barto123, with nearly 800 posts (as of 29/3/07) who nearly always moves a topic away from the obvious and toward a meaningless conclusion, but is generally regarded as one of the smartest individuals in the website.
The website is however noted for being the target of hackers and spammers, with moderately frequent shutdowns hampering it's expansion, and the number of viruses that attack through this website is alarming. However, the downloads are all of reasonable quality (shared with sites such as and the growing number of users downloading from the site has meant that it has also undergone several connection upgrades to deal with the increasing demand.
The website can be accesed through this adress: [1]