Fred Waldhauer
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Fred D. Waldhauer (1927-1993) Fred Waldhauer was born in 1927, and grew up in Brooklyn, NY. He received his Bachelors in Electrical Engineering from Cornell University and his Masters in Electrical Engineering from Columbia University.
From 1948 to 1956 he was at RCA. From 1956 to 1987 he was a Member of Technical Staff at Bell Telephone Laboratories in Holmdel. He published numerous technical and scientific papers on feedback, and high speed digital transmission, as well as authoring a book on feedback theory, and early transistor design. He holds 14+??? patents. Fred Waldhauer became a Fellow of the IEEE in 1977, and was a long time member of the Audio Engineering Society, in addition to his professional memberships Mr Waldhauer was a professional engineer in the state of New Jersey, and a patent attorney.
Much of Waldhauer's career was focused on telephony, and digital transmission, including work on T1 carrier systems. In Waldhauer's latter years at Bell Laboratories his efforts focused on advanced hearing aid design and technology.
After retiring from Bell Laboratories Waldhauer continuing work on hearing aid designs at what became Resound (acquired as of 10/06 by Phonak) corporation. Waldhauers work on programmable multi-band compression at Bell Laboratories, and later Resound represented a fundamental shift in hearing aid design that still exisits today.
In 1966, Waldhauer, Robert Rauschenberg, Robert Whitman, and Billy Klüver founded Experiments in Art and Technology, a not-for-profit service organization for artists and engineers.
E.A.T. established a Technical Services Program to provide artists with technical information and assistance by matching them with engineers and scientists who can collaborate with them.
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One of Waldhauer's last patents
[edit] References
"Transistor Electronics" Prentice Hall Inc. 521 pages Arthur W. Lo, Richard O. Endres, Jakob Zawels, Fred D. Waldhauer, Chung-Chih Cheng
Feedback 651 pages, Fred D. Waldhauer, Wiley-Interscience ISBN 0471053198 Description: 1982.
"Full Dynamic Range Multiband Compression In a Hearing Aid" by Fred Waldhauer & Edgar Villchur, The Hearing Journal, Sep. 1988, relates to dynamic range compression.
List of US Patents (incomplete): 6101258, 5524056, 5278912