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Fregat is a rocket stage developed in the NPO im. S.A.Lavochkina (NPO Lavochkin) in 1990-s. It uses S5.92 liquid propellant rocket engine (UDMH as a fuel, N2O4 as an oxidizer) as the main engine. Dry mass (October 2006) is 924 kg. Fuel mass - up to 5350 kg. Current modification of main engine has specific impulse of 332 s, thrust of 2018 kgs. Reaction control system includes 12 engines, each having 5 kgs thrust, 225 s Isp, using pure hydrazine, with mass up to 42 kg.
NPO Lavochkina created many interplanetary probes in the past, and Fregat stage follows their design traditions. The stage main part is 6 intersecting spheres, placed on a single plane, 4 of which contain propellants, and the remaining 2 - the control equipment. The main engine is placed between the spheres, so Fregat is tightly-packed stage with diameter much bigger than height.