User:Freek L. Bakker
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[edit] Freek L. Bakker
Curriculum Vitae
Frederik Lambertus Bakker was born in Baarn, the Netherlands, on June 17th 1951. In November 1951 he accompanied his parents to Java, one of the principal islands of Indonesia. He lived at first in Magelang and from 1958 in Yogyakarta. In 1963, on the return of his parents to The Netherlands, he attended a secondary school in Amsterdam and from 1970 he studied at the Faculty of Theology of the Free University in Amsterdam. He married Hanneke Atsma in 1976. They have three children.
In 1977 he obtained his Master's degree with an unpublished extended essay titled The Way to God on Bali. It discusses the philosophy of some traditional texts of Balinese religion, comparing it with what has been written in more modern publications in this religion. In 1993 he obtained his P.D. from the Free University in Amsterdam with a thesis titled The Struggle of the Hindu Balinese Intellectuals. Developments in Modern Hindu Thinking in Independent Indonesia. The book discusses the thoughts of four Balinese Hindu thinkers and the ideas published within the circle of the Parisada Hindu Dharma Indonesia, the most important organisation of the Hindus in Indonesia. In 1999 he published a second book, Hindoes in een creoolse wereld, which was written in Dutch, on the Hindu religion of the East-Indians in the Caribbean country of Suriname. In the meantime he has paid several visits to Indonesia, India and Suriname.
From 1977 up to 2003 he was a minister in a Protestant church in the Netherlands. In 2003 he was appointed as a university teacher at the University of Utrecht. Furthermore he is one of the principle advisors of the Dutch Council of Churches on the relationship between Christianity and Hinduism.
In addition to his research in Caribbean Hinduism he is nowadays also conducting research in the images of prominent religious personalities in film.
Dood en crematie bij Surinaamse Hindoes, Den Haag 1983 (in co-operation with members of the Werkgroep Hindoeïsme ’s-Gravenhage).
Het huwelijk bij Surinaamse Hindoes, Den Haag 1983 (in co-operation with members of the Werkgroep Hindoeïsme ’s-Gravenhage).
‘Rondom huwelijk en crematie bij Surinaamse hindoes’, Religieuze bewegingen in Nederland 13 (1986) p. 58-72; published again in: A.M.G. van Dijk, Hindoeïsme in Nederland, Best: Damon 1999.
‘Kerk als schuilplaats in Groningen’, Wereld en Zending 16/1 (1987), p. 25-28.
‘De bedding van het denken van hindoes’, in de: Handreiking voor ontmoeting tussen christenen en hindoes in Nederland, serie: Anders geloven, samen leven III, Driebergen 1989, p. 14-25; published again in: J. Slomp, Wereldgodsdiensten in Nederland, Amersfoort 1991, p. 75-87.
The Struggle of the Balinese Hindu Intellectuals. Developments in Modern Hindu Thinking in Independent Indonesia, Amsterdam: VU Press 1993 (PhD thesis).
'De Werkgroep Hindoeïsme timmert aan de weg', Oecumenisch Bulletin 11/5 (1996).
Hindoes en christenen, hoe zit dat?, Kampen: J.H. Kok 1996.
‘Ontmoetingen van moslims en christenen in de IJmond’, Begrip 22/129 (1996), p. 25-28 (in co-operation with Hanneke Atsma).
‘Balinese Hinduism and the Indonesian State: Recent Developments’, Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 153/1 (1997), p. 15-41.
‘De eredienst voor Kali' , OSO 17/2 (1998), p. 117-129.
Hindoes in een creoolse wereld, Zoetermeer: Meinema 1999.
Balinees hindoeïsme, serie Wegwijs, Kampen: Kok 2001.
‘Nieuwe groei en ontwikkeling op vreemde bodem: de religies van de hindostanen in Suriname en de andere Caraïben’, OSO 21/1 (2002), p. 58-75.
‘Javanisme in Suriname’, OSO 21/2 (2002), p. 318-337 (in co-operation with Joop G. Vernooij).
‘Het spiegelbeeld: hoe hindoes zich aanpassen aan de creools-christelijke wereld van de Caraïben’, in: C.J.G. van der Burg e.a., Veelkleurig christendom: contextualisatie in noord, zuid, oost en west, Zoetermeer: Meinema 2003, p. 181-195.
‘The Mirror Image: How Hindus adapt themselves to the Creole Christian world of the Caribbean’, Studies in Inter-Religious Dialogue 13/2 (2003), p. 175-186.
Surinaams hindoeïsme, serie Wegwijs, Kampen: Kok 2003.
Rethinking Ecumenism: Strategies for the 21st Century, Zoetermeer: Meinema 2004.
‘Editorial’, in: Freek L. Bakker (ed.), Rethinking Ecumenism: Strategies for the 21st Century, Zoetermeer: Meinema 2004, p. 9-13.
‘Editorial’, Exchange 33/4 (2004), p. 305-309.
‘The Image of Jesus Christ in the Jesus Films Used in Missionary Work’, Exchange 33/4 (2004), p. 310-333.
‘De pandit en de dominee’, in: Reender Kranenborg (ed.), Voorgangers in Nederland, Zoetermeer: Meinema 2005, p. 15-27.
‘Editorial’, Exchange 34/2 (2005), p. 87-88.
‘Hindoeïsme en zending, speciaal in Nederland', Wereld en Zending 34/4 (2005), p. 12-30.
‘The Image of Muhammad in the Message, the First and Only Feature Film about the Prophet of Islam’, Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 16/1 (2006), p. 77-92.
‘Editorial’, Exchange 35/1 (2006), p. 1-3.
‘The Hindu-Christian Dialogue in Europe: The Case of the Netherlands’, Dharma Deepika 10/2 (2006), p. 23-37.
in co-operation with Jan Sihar Aritonang, On the Edge of Many Worlds, Zoetermeer: Meinema 2006.
‘Editorial’, in: Freek L. Bakker en Jan Sihar Aritonang (eds.), On the Edge of Many Worlds, Zoetermeer: Meinema 2006, p. 11-12.
‘Karel Steenbrink on the Edge of Many Worlds: Exchange is our Mission’, in: Freek L. Bakker en Jan Sihar Aritonang (eds.), On the Edge of Many Worlds, Zoetermeer: Meinema 2006, p. 15-25.
‘Bollywood als religiöses und erotisches Kino: Zum Verhältnis von hinduistischen mythologicals und erotischer Darstellung’, in Charles Martig and Leo Karrer (eds.), Eros und Religion: Erkenntnisse aus dem Reich der Sinne, Film und Theologie 8, Marburg: Schüren Verlag 2007, p. 165-182.
‘Editorial: The Context of the Enlightenment’, Exchange 36/1 (2007), p. 1-5.
‘Shanti Sandesham, A New Jesusfilm Produced in India: Indian Christology in Pictures’, Exchange 36/1 (2007), p. 41-64.