Fritz-Albert Popp
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Fritz-Albert Popp (* 1938 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany) is a German researcher in biophysics.
After studying experimental physics in Göttingen and Würzburg, Popp earned his PhD in theoretical physics at Mainz University and later became a professor at Marburg University.
His research began with the confirmation of the existence of biophotons, which had earlier been studied by Terence Quickenden in Australia. International projects led to cooperation with scientists such as Walter Nagl, Ilya Prigogine and David Bohm. He became an Invited Member of the New York Academy of Sciences and an Invited Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS). For a time, he worked at Princeton University. Popp was the founder of the International Institute of Biophysics at Neuss, Germany.
His contributions to science have opened a whole new branch of biophysics. Patents that he holds include the use of biophotonics to examine the quality of food, of the environment and in medicine, among many others.
[edit] Works
- About the Coherence of Biophotons 1999
- F.A.Popp and K.H.Li: Hyberbolic Relaxation as a Sufficient Condition of a Fully Coherent Ergodic Field, International Journal of Theoretical Physics 32 (1993), 1573-1583.
- F.A.Popp and Y.Yan: Delayed luminescence of biological systems in terms of coherent states, Physics Letters A 293 (2002), 93-97.
- F.A.Popp, J.J.Chang, A.Herzog, Z.Yan and Y.Yan: Evidence of non-classical (squeezed) light in biological systems. Physics Letters A 293 (2002), 98-102.