Fritz Houtermans
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Friedrich Georg Houtermans (January 22, 1903 – March 1, 1966) was a physicist born in Zoppod (today Sopot, Poland) near Danzig (today Gdańsk, Poland).
Houtermans made important contributions to geochemistry and cosmochemistry.
Houtermans married Charlotte Riefenstahl, who had befriended Robert Oppenheimer when she and he were students in Göttingen. Charlotte was teaching at Vassar.
[edit] References
- Houtermans, F. (1953) "Determination of the Age of the Earth from the Isotopic Composition of Meteoritic Lead." Nuovo Cimento 10, 1623-1633,
- Patterson C. (1956) "Age of meteorites and the Earth" Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 10, 230-237
- Marvin U.B. (2002) "Oral histories in meteoritics and planetary sciences: VIII Friedrich Begemann", Meteoritics & Planteary Sciences 37 B69-B77.
- Viktor Frenkel, "Professor Houtermans, Works, Life, Fate" (biography in Russian), Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, 1997