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A frontbend is a contortion position where the body is curved forward at the hips and spine. In an extreme frontbend, some contortionists can place the backs of their knees behind their shoulders.
Frontbending is used for autofellatio (and would be required for autocunnilingus could someone accomplish that) as well. Unlike traditional frontbending, this would rely solely on spinal flexion, hip flexibility is completely immaterial. Replacing it would be neck flexibility.
[edit] See also
- Paschimottanasana (seated forward bend with legs straight)
- Uttanasana (standing forward bend with legs straight)
- Kurmasana "Tortoise pose" (seated forward bend with arms under straight legs)
- Human knot (forward bend with bent knees and both feet or ankles behind the head)
[edit] External links
- Carol Liabos, who is a leading exponent of the frontbend
- Frontbend picture gallery