From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[edit] About me
Hi. I'm a student in Northeastern Virginia, USA. I was borned in Guangdong and moved to USA a few years ago. I am currently studying the language of Japanese. I also write or do origami when I'm bored or when I have free time.
~~More to be added~~ Frozen Mists 12:57, 24 March 2007 (UTC)
AIM-Able |
This user understands AIM talk perfectly well, but does not use it. Ever. |
ANAL 4 |
This user advocates good grammar usage. |
Pi = 3.141592653589793238462643383 27950288419716939937510582097494 45923078164062862089986280348253 42117067982148086513282306647093 84460955058223172535940812848111 74502841027019385211055596446229 48954930381964428810975665933446 12847564823378678316527120190914 56485669234603861045432664821339 36072602491412737245870066063155 88174881520920962829254091715364 36789259036001133053054882046652 1384146951941511609 . . . |
. The |
This user does not put two spaces after a full stop. |
... in. |
Ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which this user will not put. |
snuk |
This user says snuck. |
they |
This user considers singular they substandard English usage. |
1337-1 |
Th1s us3r is 4bl3 t0 c0ntribut3 with 4 b4si< l3v3l of 1337. |
IntS-1 |
This uxor is a lamer at Internet slang, but still lieks to throw in teh occasional "lol" or "omg" on their blog. |
BBB-2 |
Dees-a hyooser ees eh fehr spicker uff-a Børk, Børk, Børk. |
du-1 |
This user does not wish to speak or hear dumbass, but is resigned to the necessity of at least understanding it in an environment of massive collaboration. |
fgn-2 |
This user speaks several dialects of foreign. |
gb-1 |
Dsh uuzzr izzzabll tuh kuntibbit wizza bveyschhhik lvvllov Gbrsh. |
ubx-2 |
This user is an intermediate user of userboxes. |
dlph-0 |
This user cannot speak, has considerable difficulty speaking, or does not wish to speak dolphin. |
sar-2 |
This user is an intermediate speaker of sarcasm. |
B-ball |
This user plays basketball. |
Football |
This user dislikes football. |
This user likes to watch programs from TVB. |
手裏剣 |
This user is semi-skilled at shurikens or 手裏剣. |
G |
This user uses Google as a primary search engine. |
This user uses Gmail as a primary email service.
winamp |
This user enjoys using Winamp. |
This user is proud to be a Chinese |
This user does not smoke. |
Job |
This user is a student. |
E |
This user is hurling fireballs at you with his/her elementalist in Guild Wars |
Cards |
This user enjoys playing cards. |
This user plays with a full deck. |
This user enjoys tofu. |
This user enjoys a little red pepper with their meals. |
M&M's |
This user eats M & M's. |
This user likes pie. |
H2O |
This user drinks water regularly. |
This user uses Wikipedia as a primary point of reference. |
This user knows how to prove that the square root of two is irrational.
Well whoop de do. What do you want, a medal? |
This user knows how to find X. |

mth |
This user participates in math competitions. |
This user is approximately normal. |
This user respects the beliefs and religions of others. |