User:Frumentarius/Numismatics Bibliography
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Numismatics (General)
American Numismatic Society. American Journal of Numismatics. Annual. New York. 1989-pres.
———. The American Numismatic Society Museum Notes. 33 Vol. New York. 1945-1988.
Burnett, A., et al., eds. Coins of Macedonia and Rome: Essays in honour of Charles Hersh. London. 1998.
Clain-Stefanelli, E. Numismatic Bibliography. Battenberg. Munich. 1985.
Hill, G. Becker the Counterfeiter. 2 parts. London. 1924 (1995 Durst reprint).
International Numismatic Commission. Actes. Congrés International de Numismatique. Vol. 2. Paris. 1957.
———. Congresso internazionale di numismatica. 2 vols. Rome. 1961 & 1965.
———. Proceedings of the 8th International Congress of Numismatics [International Association of Professional Numismatists Special Publication No. 4]. 2 Vols. Paris-Bale. 1976.
———. Proceedings of the 9th International Congress of Numismatics [International Association of Professional Numismatists Special Publication No. 6]. 2 Vols. Louvain-la-Neuve. Luxembourg. 1982.
———. Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of Numismatics [International Association of Professional Numismatists Publication No. 11]. London. 1986.
———. A Survey of Numismatic Research 1966-1971. 3 Vols. New York. 1973.
———. A Survey of Numismatic Research 1972-1977 [International Association of Professional Numismatists Special Publication No. 9]. Bern. 1979.
———. A Survey of Numismatic Research 1990-1995 [International Association of Professional Numismatists Special Publication No. 13]. Berlin. 1997.
———. A Survey of Numismatic Research 1996-2001 [International Association of Professional Numismatists Special Publication No. 14]. Madrid. 2003.
Klawans, Z. Handbook of Ancient Greek and Roman Coins. Western. Racine. 1995.
Prokopov, I., and R. Manov. Counterfeit Studios and their Coins. Stoyan Popov-Popeto Publ., Ltd. Sofia. 2005.
Prokopov, I., et al. Modern Counterfeits and Replicas of Ancient Greek and Roman Coins from Bulgaria. Stoyan Popov-Popeto Publ., Ltd. Sofia. 2003.
Royal Numismatic Society. The Numismatic Chronicle. Annual. London. 1835-pres. (Vol. 1961-2005).
Sayles, W. Ancient Coin Collecting, Vol. I. Krause. Iola. 1996.
———. Ancient Coin Collecting, Vol. VI: Non-Classical Cultures. Krause. Iola. 1999.
Schweizerischen Numismatischen Gesellschaft. Schweizerische Numismatische Rundschau. Annual. Bern. 1921-pres.
Oriental Greek Numismatics
Alram, Michael. Nomina Propria Iranica in Nvmmis [IPNB Vol. 4]. Vienna. 1986.
Guillaume, O., ed. Graeco-Bactrian and Indian Coins from Afghanistan. Oxford UP. Oxford. 1991.
Kritt, Brian. Dynastic Transitions in the Coinage of Bactria: Antiochus-Diodotus-Euthydemus [Classical Numismatic Studies 4]. Classical Numismatic Group. Lancaster, PA. 2001.
Petrowicz, A. von. Arsaciden-Munzen. Sammlung Petrowicz. Akademische Druck-u. Verlagsanstalt. Graz. 1968.
Sellwood, David. An Introduction to the Coinage of Parthia. Spink. London. 1985 (2nd ed.).
Shore, Fred. Parthian Coins & History: Ten Dragons Against Rome. Classical Numismatic Group. Quarryville, PA. 1993.
Central Asian Numismatics
Alram, Michael. Nomina Propria Iranica in Nvmmis [IPNB Vol. 4]. Vienna. 1986.
Göbl, Robert. Sasanian Numismatics [Manuals of Middle Asian Numismatics, Vol I]. Spink & Son. London. 1971.
Gyselen, Rika. "New Evidence for Sasanian Numismatics: the Collection of Ahmad Saeedi" in Res Orientales XVI. Groupe pour l'Etude de la Civilisation du Moyen-Orient. Bures-sur-Yvette. 2004.
Paruck. F.D.J. Sasanian Coins. Indological Book Corp. New Delhi. 1924 (1976 reprint).
Sellwood, David, et al. An Introduction to Sasanian Coins. Spink. London. 1985.
Senior, Robert C. Indo-Scythian Coins and History. 3 vols. Classical Numismatic Group. Lancaster, PA. 2001.
[SNS I] Alram, Michael, and Rika Gyselen. Sylloge Nummorum Sasanidarum: I. Ardashir I-Shapur I. Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie derr Wissenschaften. Vienna. 2003.
[SNS III] Schindel, Nikolaus. Sylloge Nummorum Sasanidarum: III. Shapur II-Kawad I/2 Regierung. 2 vols. Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie derr Wissenschaften. Vienna. 2003.
Roman Provincial Numismatics
[RPC I] Burnett, A., et al. Roman Provincial Coinage. Vol. I & Supplement. British Museum. London and Paris. 1992.
Lindgren, Henry Clay. Ancient Greek Bronze Coins: European Mints from the Lindgren Collection. Chrysopylon Pubs. San Mateo, CA. 1989.
Lindgren, H.C., and F.L. Kovacs. Ancient Bronze Coins of Asia Minor and the Levant from the Lindgren Collection. Chrysopylon Pubs. San Mateo, CA. 1985.
Metcalf, William E. The Silver Coinage of Cappadocia, Vespasian-Commodus [ANSNNM 166]. American Numismatic Society. New York. 1996.
Islamic Numismatics
Album, Stephen. A Checklist of Islamic Coins. 2nd ed. Stephen Album. Santa Rosa, CA. 1998.
Bacharach, Jere L. Islamic History through Coins: an Analysis and Catalogue of Tenth-century Ikhshidid Coinage. AUC Press. Cairo & New York. 2006.
Bosworth, Clifford Edmund. The New Islamic Dynasties. Edinburgh UP. Edinburgh. 1996.
Broome, Michael. A Handbook of Islamic Coins. Reprint ed. Spink & Son. London. 2006.
Nyamaa, Badarch. The Coins of the Mongol Empire and Clan Tamgha of Khans (XIII-XIV). Badarch Nyamaa. Ulaanbaatar. 2005.