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Fuzzypeg is a common internet name for Ben, an Alexandrian Wiccan High Priest from Auckland, New Zealand - Temple of the Good Game.
I have trained in Alexandrian and Boucca Wicca for eight years with Coven of the Triple Moon, Auckland, in which I was Summoner. I took further training and 3rds with P & V of the Temple of the 4 W., Shropshire.
I am a Master Mason in Co-Freemasonry (Eastern Order), and Laplace of a Vodou hounfor (although I have neither been to Haiti nor done kanzo). I am a member of two Qabalistic schools and another ceremonial order.
I am a morris dancer, a rapper sword dancer and a mummer, one-time Squire of Green Man Morris, Auckland, and co-founder of Jack Frost Morris, Dunedin.
I hold a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Painting, a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, and a Diploma of Photography. I earn my money as a software engineer making EEG monitors for babies.
In my spare time (it's amazing I have any) I enjoy cooking and entertaining, dancing, bike-riding and talking to people. One discussion I like to remember was with an evangelist who started out trying to convert me. After half an hour and missing his ferry he finally managed to tear himself away, but remarked (completely unbidden) "perhaps you do serve God, just in a different way". Favourite topics of conversation include: religion, magic and mysticism, other people's problems, the criminal behaviour of the US government, the dangers (and the current death-toll) of genetic engineering, and the general appreciation of people, music, literature and food.
[edit] Todo List
- Clarify relationship between Iacchus, Bromios, Zagreus and Dionysus. I hope to be able to introduce a bit more information about Dionysus to the Eleusinian Mysteries page.
- Clean up of Eleusinian Mysteries, splitting into sections.
- Some good sites for information on the mysteries: collected short articles; The Divine Mother and the Veil of Death: The Mysteries of Eleusis by Sanderson Beck; The Secret Teachings of All Ages, Manly P. Hall: The Ancient Mysteries and Secret Societies, part III.
- Make stubs for some of the ecstatic European witchcraft-like societies (see Benandanti article).
- Track down the alchemical alphabet which was a possible precursor to the Theban alphabet.
- Merge and clean up Wheel of the Year and Sabbat (neopaganism).
- Find more info on the golden hats!
- Several tall gold hats have been discovered in Ireland and in different parts of central Europe, one with a chin strap. The oldest is 3300 years old and its inscriptions outline the Metonic cycle of the sun and moon. A gold cape at least 3600 years old has been found in Wales. The conical shapes suggest magian influence from Caucasian cultures. All finds are dated between 1300 and 800 B.C.
- There is an article in German (I can't read it, I really want to) at Mathias Schultz, "Der Kult der Sternenmagier". (This article has moved; it's now pay-per-view at this location, or archived here.)
- Witch-hunt#The Burning Times: Modern scholars agree that the witch trials had nothing to do with persecuting a pagan religious cult (or similar wording) – whoever wrote this has probably read Ronald Hutton and not many other modern scholars. I need to gather my evidence and correct this.
- Seal of Solomon: hexagram or pentagram? It was my contention in Talk:Pentacle that the Seal of Solomon was often described as a pentagram. I realise that it can also be a hexagram, but the pentagram form is, I think, far from rare. Interesting articles on the subject are this and this and this and this and this. Edit Seal of Solomon?
- Expand the Holda article stub.
- Create a new section in Magic square describing magic squares in the magic sense (see Talk:Pentacle).
[edit] Contributed images
An alchemical script that appears to be a precursor of Theban. |
Annie Besant in her Masonic regalia, a prominent figure in Theosophy and Co-Freemasonry. |
Dr. Georges Martin, a co-founder of Co-Freemasonry. |
Maria Deraismes, a co-founder of Co-Freemasonry. |
The Earth Pentacle as used in the Golden Dawn. |
The First Pentacle of the Moon, appearing in the Key of Solomon. |
The Second Pentacle of Jupiter, appearing in the Key of Solomon. |
The Pentacle of the Art, in the Heptameron of Pietro d'Abano. |
A green pentagram. |
A Five-pointed star (not a pentagram). |
Some of the nasty punishments meted out to accused witches during the witch trials. |
The title page to the original edition of Aradia, or the Gospel of the Witches by Charles Leland. |
Athanasius Kircher's conception of Pan. |
The Bembine Tablet. |
The Alexandrian Serapis. |