مقامات و وزرای مراکش
از ویکیپدیا، دانشنامهٔ آزاد.
- وزیر دولت: عباس الفاسی
- وزیر خارجه
Mr. Mohamed Benaissa Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation http://www.maec.gov.ma
- وزیر کشور
Mr. Al Mustapha SAHEL
Minister of Interior
- وزیر دادگستری------
Mr. Mohamed Bouzoubaa Minister of Justice http://www.justice.gov.ma
- وزیر اوقاف -----
Mr. Ahmed Toufiq Minister of Habous and Islamic Affairs http://www.habous.gov.ma/
- وزیر منابع -----
Mr. Mohamed EL YAZGHI Minister of Territory development, Water and Environment http://www.minenv.gov.ma (Dpt of Environment)
- وزیر خصوصی سازی
Mr. Fathallah OUALAOU Minister of Finance and Privatization http://www.finances.gov.ma/ (Finances) http://www.finances.gov.ma/dpeg/dpeg.htm (Direction de la Politique Economique Générale)
- وزیر دولت
Mr. Abdessadek RABIAA General Secretary of the Government
- وزیر کشاورزی
Mr. Mohand LAENSER Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Sea Fisheries http://www.madrpMr.gov.ma
- وزیر کار
Mr. Mustapha MANSOURI Minister of Employment and vocational training
- وزیر آموزش ملی و پژوهش
Habib EL MALKI Minister of National Education, Higher Education, Staff Training and Scientific Research http://www.men.gov.ma (National Education)
- وزیر فرهنگ
Mr. Mohammed Achaari Minister of Culture
- وزیر ترابری
mr. Karim Ghellab Minister of Equipment and Transports http://www.mtpnet.gov.ma (Equipment) http://www.mtmMr.gov.ma (Transport)
- وزیر جهانگردی
Mr. Adil Douiri Minister of Tourism, Handicraft and Social Economy http://www.tourisme-marocain.com -----------------------------------
- وزیر بهداشت
Mr. Mohammed Cheikh Biadillah Minister of Health http://www.sante.gov.ma
- وزیر روابط پارلمانی
Mr. Mohammed Saad El Alami Minister of Relations with Parliament
- وزیر انرژی و معادن
Mr. Mohammed Boutaleb Minister of Energy and Mining http://www.mem.gov.ma
- وزیر رسانههای گروهی و ارتباطات
Mr. Mohamed Nabil Benabdallah Minister of Communication, Spokesman of the Government http://www.mincom.gov.ma
- وزیر تجارت خارجی
Mr. Mustapha Mechahouri Minister of Foreign Trade http://www.mce.gov.ma
- وزیر توسعه اجتماعی
Mr. Abderrahman Harouchi Minister of Social Development, Family and Solidarity
- وزیر نوسازی
Mr. Mohamed Boussaïd Minister in charche of Modernizing Public Sectors
- وزیر توسعه صنایع
M. Salaheddine Mezouar Minister of Industry, Trade and Economy Upgrading
وزیر کابینه در امور دفاعی M.Abderrahmane Sbaï Minister-Delegate to the Prime Minister in Charge of the Administration of National Defense-----------------------------------------------
- وزیر کابینه در امور اقتصادی Rachid Talbi Alami
Minister-Delegate to the Prime Minister in Charge of Genaral and Economic Affairs-------------------------------------------------
- وزیر کابینه در امور خارجه
Mr. Tayeb Fassi Fihri Minister Delegate to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
- وزیر مهاجران
Mrs. Nouzha Chekrouni Minister-Delegate to the Minister of Foreign Affairs And Cooperation in chrage of Moroccans Living Abroad
- وزیر کابینه در امور کشوری
Mr. Fouad ALI-EL HIMMA Minister Delegate to The Interior
- وزیر کابینه در امور مسکن و شهرسازی
Mr. Toufiq Hjira Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister in charge of Housing and Urbanism
- وزیر کابینه در امور منابع طبیعی
Mr. Abdelkebir Zahoud Secretary of State to the Minister of Territory Development water and environment , in charge of water
- وزیر کابینه در امور توسعه و رفاه خانواده
Mrs Yasmina Baddou Secretary of State to the Minister of Social Development Family and Solidarity http://www.sefsas.gov.ma/Default.htm
- وزیر کابینه در امور استخدامی--------------
Mr. Said Oulbacha Secretary of State to the Minister of Employment and Vocational Training , in charge of Vocational Training
- وزیر کابینه در امور جوانان
Mr. Mohammed El Gahs Secretary of State to the Prime Minister in charge of Youth
- وزیر کابینه در امور کشاورزی ماهیگیری و توسعه روستایی
Mr. Mohamed Mohattane Secretary of State to the Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Sea Fisheries, in Charge of Rural Development
- وزیر کابینه در امور آموزش
Mr. Anis Birou Secretary of State to the Minister of National Education, Higher Education, Staff Training and Scientific Research, in charge of Literacy and Informal Education.