Luettelo roolipeleistä
Tämä on lista roolipeleistä jaettuna genrejen mukaan. Listassa ei ole tietokonepelejä. Useimmat pelit ovat pöytäpelejä.
Sisällysluettelo |
[muokkaa] Fantasia
- 7th Sea
- Amber
- ANKH (Adventurers of the North - Kalevala Heroes)
- Arduin
- Aria
- Ars Magica
- Balganor
- Burning Wheel
- Castle Falkenstein
- Chivalry and Sorcery
- Corum
- Dangerous Journeys
- Dogs in the Vineyard
- Dragonquest
- Dungeons & Dragons
- Dying Earth
- Earthdawn
- Elfquest
- Elhendi
- Elric
- Empire of the Petal Throne
- Everway
- Exalted
- Falnor
- FaTe
- Fantasy Hero
- Fantasy Wargaming
- Hackmaster
- Harnmaster/Harnworld
- Hawkmoon
- Hero Wars
- HeroQuest
- Jorune
- Keski-Maa-roolipeli
- King Arthur Pendragon
- Kobolds ate my baby!
- Lands of Adventure
- Legend of the Five Rings
- Lords of Creation
- Man, Myth & Magic
- Menneisyyden varjot
- Midgard
- Miekka ja magia
- Multiverser
- Myrskyn aika
- Ninjaburger
- Nobilis
- Palladium
- Parabellum
- Pendragon Pass
- Polaris
- Powers and Perils
- Praedor
- Rapier
- Rêve: the Dream Ouroboros
- The Riddle of Steel
- Roolimestari
- Roudan maa
- RuneQuest
- Shadowrun
- Sorcerer
- Space 1889
- Stormbringer
- Talislanta
- Taru sormusten herrasta seikkailupeli
- The Dark Eye
- The Fantasy Trip
- The Mountain Witch
- The Secret Treasure of Raguoc in the Acirema Dungeons
- THOGS (The Hunters Of Golden Sirbul)
- Tunnels and Trolls
- URHO (Universaalihko Rope, Hitonmoinen Opinnäyte)
- Usagi Yojimbo
- Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
- The Wheel of Time
[muokkaa] Science Fiction
- Aftermath!
- Albedo
- Alternity
- Babylon Project
- Bitume
- Blue Planet
- Burning Empires
- Conspiracy X
- Continuum
- Cyberpunk 2020
- Cybergeneration
- Doctor Who
- Fading Suns
- Fallout RPG
- Empire Galactique
- Gamma World
- Heimot
- Hiljaisuuden vangit
- Laserburn
- Mecha
- Mechwarrior
- Mega
- Metamorphosis Alpha
- Multiverser
- Neuroshima
- Other Suns
- Paranoia
- Phoenix Command
- Proles
- Psiworld
- Rifts
- Robotech
- Shadowrun
- Shatterzone
- Skyrealms of Jorune
- SLA Industries
- Space 1889
- Space Crusade
- Space Hulk
- Space Opera
- Spacemaster
- Star Frontiers
- Star Hero
- Star Trek RPG
- Star Wars RPG
- Star Wreck RPG (myös huumori)
- Taiga
- Tales from the Floating Vagabond
- The Morrow Project
- Tie tähtiin 2300
- Timelord
- Timeship
- Traveller
- Trinity
- Twilight 2000
- Universe
- UNSF (United Nations Space Force)
[muokkaa] Kauhu
- All Flesh Must Be Eaten
- Astra
- Beyond The Supernatural
- Chill
- Cthulhun kutsu
- Deadlands Hell on Earth
- Deadlands the Weird West
- Elokalmo
- Kalmo
- Kult
- Kätyrin osa
- Nephilim
- Over the Edge
- Proles: Dysangelium
- Unknown Armies
- The Whispering Vault
- Witchcraft
- World of Darkness
- Changeling: The Dreaming
- Demon: The Fallen
- Hunter: The Reckoning
- Mage: The Ascension
- Mage: The Awakening
- Mage: The Sorcerer's Crusade
- Mummy: The Resurrection
- Orpheus
- Vampire: Dark Ages
- Vampire: Kindred of the East
- Vampire: The Masquerade
- Vampire: The Requiem
- Vampire: Victorian Age
- Werewolf: The Apocalypse
- Werewolf: The Forsaken
- Wraith: The Oblivion
[muokkaa] Huumori
- Ala-Keski-Maa roolipeli
- Amoeba
- Aseistetut machonaiset
- Big Eyes, Small Mouth
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- Bunnies and Burrows
- Ghostbusters RPG
- HackMaster
- Human Occupied Landfill
- In Nomine
- Inkkunen, Ankkunen, Ynkkynen, Hakomäki
- Kobolds ate my baby!
- Leluelo
- Munchkin
- Ninja Burger
- Proles
- Rocky and Bullwinkle RPG
- Teenagers From Outer Space,
- The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen
- Toon
- TSINAUS (The Sea-Infantry of North American United States)
- Wuthering Heights
[muokkaa] Supersankarit
- Aberrant
- Blood of Heroes
- Champions
- DC Heroes
- Godlike
- Golden Heroes
- GURPS Supers
- Heroes Unlimited
- Marvel Super Heroes Role-Playing Game
- PowerGame
- Silver Age Sentinels
- Superhero 2044
- Super Squadron
- Superworld
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangeness
- Villians and Vigilantes
[muokkaa] Seikkailu ja Toiminta
- Adventure
- Danger International
- Feng Shui
- Hong Kong Action Theater
- Indiana Jones RPG
- James Bond RPG
- Mercenaries, Spies and Private Eyes
- Ninjas and Superspies
- Recon
- Tarantella
- Top Secret
- Spycraft
- Shadowforce Archer
[muokkaa] Historialliset
- Airborne Commando Division
- Anno Domini 50
- Avant Charlemagne
- Boot Hill
- Bushido
- Cliffhanger
- Dark Continent
- Gangbusters
- Justice Inc.
- Kuninkaiden aika
- Mobsters
- Piruja miehiksi
- Skull and Crossbones
- Ultima Thule
- Valley of the Pharaohs
- Wuthering Heights
[muokkaa] Yleisroolipelijärjestelmät
- Active Exploits
- Amazing Engine
- Amber Diceless Roleplaying
- Basic Role-Playing
- d6
- d20 System
- FUDGE (Freeform Universal Do-it-yourself Gaming Engine)
- GURPS (Generic Universal Role Playing System)
- HARPE (Hugely Adaptable Role Playing Engine)
- Hero System
- Jags
- Masterbook
- Osiris RPG
- Phoenix Command
- The Pool
- Q10
- Risus
- Savage Worlds
- Systeemi
- The Window
- Torg
- TWERPS (The World's Easiest Role Playing System)
- Unisystem
- Universalis