
Esikatselun koko: 485×600 px
Korkeatarkkuuksinen versio (1113×1376 px, 204 KiB, MIME-tyyppi: image/jpeg)
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Description |
Colonel en:Paul Tibbets, pilot of the en:Enola Gay, waving from its cockpit. Photograph taken by the en:United States Army Air Forces (now the en:United States Air Force) in en:August, en:1945 and now in custody of the US's en:National Archives and Records Administration. The image is in the public domain, as with most US federal government documents. sr:Слика:Enolagay.jpg Español: El piloto Paul Tibbets a bordo del Enola Gay
Suomi: Enola Gay ja sen lentäjä eversti Paul W. Tibbets, Jr.
Français : Tibbets saluant les photographes peu avant le départ de Tinian
Italiano: Il pilota Paul Tibbets a bordo dell'Enola Gay
日本語: 広島原爆投下に向け、出撃に際しエノラ・ゲイの機長席から手を振るポール・ティベッツ大佐
Source |
Originally from en.wikipedia; description page is/was here. |
Date |
2002-07-20 (first version); 2004-02-18 (last version) |
Author |
Original uploader was (Automated conversion) at en.wikipedia Later versions were uploaded by Delirium at en.wikipedia. |
Permission |
[edit] License information
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This work is in the public domain in the United States because it is a work of the United States Federal Government under the terms of Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 105 of the US Code. See Copyright.
Note: This only applies to works of the Federal Government and not to the work of any individual U.S. state, territory, commonwealth, county, municipality, or any other subdivision. العربية | Česky | Deutsch | Español | 한국어 | Italiano | 日本語 | Magyar | Français | Português | 简体中文 | 正體中文 | +/- < |
[edit] Original upload log
(All user names refer to en.wikipedia)
- 2004-02-18 05:24 Delirium 881×1191×8 (220955 bytes) A much higher-resolution version, now that we have an auto-thumbnail function to scale things down as needed anyway.
- 2002-07-20 11:49 (Automated conversion) 295×400×8 (79215 bytes)
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