Discuter:Colorado Rapids
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Hello, I am called Mehdy Nedjar, I am French, I am 19 years old and currently plays in CFA2 in France. The next year I come to live has 50 kilometers of Denver and I will wish to find a club. It is for that that I contact you. I want to sign in a club of Major Soccer League because I want to play has a very good level. I will like to come as of my arrival to make éssai in your team. I am a medium of offensive ground but I can also defend. I like to accept responsibility for the play. I do not speak very quite English but about the ground I know expressed. I hope to have soon your news. If you want information relating to me, I am has your provision. My mail adress : turtlenedjar@hotmail.fr Tel : 06 17 39 35 65
NEDJAR MEHDY 2 rue joiliot Curie 18100 Vierzon FRANCE
- Je ne crois pas que les pages de discussion des clubs soient un lieu pour se faire recruter par un club de foot.....Mieux vaut envoyer un CV directement au club.Tofoot 24 juin 2006 à 23:21 (CEST)
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