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J'ai modifié les noms des Sept Soeurs que Elminster a adopté pour être plus près de la réalité. Selon le dernier chapitre de la Damnation d'Elminster et de cet page [1] dont voici l'extrait interressant:
Laeral, however, remembers Tharnwood and the Marlesturs. In her youth (mainly during the 770s DR) she was reared in the forest near Tharnwood -- by her "Uncle" Elminster. She believes the stories of his gathering "sorceresses" have grown from her years in a forest cottage with her sisters Storm and Dove. Three rebellious, magically gifted silver-haired sisters born with Mystra's silver fire in their veins, to be Chosen of Mystra, could easily have been misunderstood and distorted, over the years, into something else.
Elminster a adopté Oragie Colombe et Laeral.
Bg2 28 juin 2006 à 17:00 (CEST)