Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.
- fr (original): Un avion de guet Hawkeye sur le pont d'envol du porte-avions Charles de Gaulle (5 juin 2004).
- en (no responsibility is taken for the correctness of this translation): a Hawkeye sentry plane on the flying deck of the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier (5th of June 2004)
- Quelle/Source: [1]
- Fotograf/Photographe/Photographer: Guillaume Rueda
Photo courtesy and autorisation of http://www.netmarine.net .
Autorisation is given by the team of "NetMarine" to use their photographs. Therefore, you can use the images of
- JM. Roche
- G. Rueda
- F. Dubey
- Y. Le Bris
- A. Morcello.
(see the complete correspondance)
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