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- Source: English Wikipedia, original upload by Panairjdde
- Description: Justin II. 565-578 AD. AV Solidus (4.44 gm, 6h). Carthage mint. Dated RY(?) 6 (570/1 AD).
- D N IVSTINVS P P AV, diademed, helmeted, and cuirassed facing bust, holding globus cruciger and shield
- VICTORIA AVGGG, Constantinople seated facing, head right, holding spear and globus cruciger; S/CONOB.
DOC I 190d; Morrisson, Carthage 15-17 (dies unlisted); MIB II 18b; SB 391.
Morrisson interprets the dates on Carthage solidi of Justin II as regnal years, while Hahn in MIB sees them as cyclical indictional years, the form used in late Carthage gold.
Coin from CNG coins, through Wildwinds.
Credit the source as "CNG coins (http://www.cngcoins.com)".
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