Wikipédia:Statuts pour une association francophone/traduction en anglais
Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.
Cet article fait partie de la série |
Wikimedia Foundation
Statuts de la Fondation |
Wikimédia France
Planning de création |
Objectifs |
Promotion (documents) |
modifier | |
/Ancienne version
Sommaire |
[modifier] Article 1: Constitution and name
It is founded between the undersigneds an association with nonlucrative goal control by the French law of July 1, 1901 and the decree of August 16, 1901, having for denomination: French-speaking WIKIMÉDIA. L'organisation French-speaking WIKIMÉDIA is affiliated with Wikimedia Foundation, Inc, organisation concerned with the law of the United States, State of Florida.
[modifier] Article 2: Goals
It is important to write a broad object which put the emphase on the satisfied, international, educational character and scientist of the organisation to allow the benefit of the provisions of the article 200 of the General Tax Code.
To contribute actively to the diffusion, with the amelioration and the avancement of the knowledge and the international French-speaking culture, WIKIMÉDIA has as an aim the development of encyclopedias, of collection of quotations, educational books and other compilations of documents, of information and of various informative data bases in French language which have as characteristics:
- to be entirely free;
- to be available on line by technologies of l?internet and comparable;
- to lay out contained which can by the users;
- to have contents which is protected by the provisions regulating the author's copyright, artistic or industrial, distributed if necessary free under the conditions a free licence of documentation of the type Free License Documentation written by Free Software Foundation Inc, and in particular its European branch with
For this reason, the French-speaking WIKIMÉDIA is given for objective to administer, to promote and to support, directly or indirectly, the applications, transpositions, exploitation or translations in French language of the projects of Wikimedia Foundation, FRENCH Inc WIKIMÉDIA has the right to use the marks and logos belonging to the organisation with nonlucrative goal of American right Wikimedia Foundation, Inc This authorization results from the signature of these statutes by the legal representative of Wikimedia Foundation, Inc This authorization can be revoked discretionarily and any moment by Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
Though the French-speaking WIKIMÉDIA is governed by French laws, the organisation does not make any distinction between its members of French nationality and the nationals of an other nationality. The perimeter of its object is consisted by the use of French language and not a criterion of nationality.
This subparagraph, just like the name itself of the organisation, must allow to widening the field of activity all the francophonie.
The projects of Wikimedia Foundation, Inc in French language include/understand, in a nonrestrictive way, the Internet sites which follow:
Wikipédia -- Wikilivres --çais Wikisource --çais Wiktionary --
The achievement of these objectives can in particular imply l?installation and l?administration of data-processing waiters supporting French-speaking contents WIKIMÉDIA.
The references to WF Inc as possible recipient of the funds were removed, it is necessary to evaluate their countable and tax consequence first.
[modifier] ARTICLE 3: Head quarters
The French-speaking WIKIMÉDIA has its seat in the residence of its president, if this one resides on the territory of the French Republic. With defect, the seat of the organisation is fixed on the territory of France by simple resolution of the Board of Directors.
[modifier] ARTICLE 4: Duration
The duration of the organisation is 99 years as from the date of signature of these statutes, renewable by decision of the general extraordinary assembly.
[modifier] ARTICLE 5: Resources and accountancy
I Receipts
Are the resources of French-speaking WIKIMÉDIA composed of the contributions, possible subsidies, receipts from the sale of products, services or services provided by association, of gifts? in particular of manual gifts, and any other noncontrary resource to the laws in force.
II Accounts Department
Countable the exercice court of January 1 at December 31 of each year.
The references to WF Inc as possible recipient of the funds were removed, it is necessary to evaluate their countable and tax consequence first.
[modifier] ARTICLE 7: Composition of the organisation
The organisation is made up of active members and of the representative of Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. The users of one of the sites in French language depending on Wikimedia Foundation, Inc, nonadherent of FRENCH WIKIMÉDIA, can express in an advisory capacity and lay out a right of initiative under the conditions defined below.
The references to the members benefactors were removed to allow to evaluate the consequence of a contribution higher than 16 euros (envisaged by the law of 1901 and its decree).
I Active members
a) Have the active membership of French-speaking WIKIMÉDIA the users of a site in French language depending on Wikimedia Foundation, Inc which
- are above 18 years of age;
- up to date of their annual contribution fifteen days at least before the behaviour of the general assembly with the title of which they wish to exert their voting rights, provided however of the application of the transitional provisions stipulated below; forwarded to the board, by postal mail, their acceptance of the statutes in force of French-speaking WIKIMÉDIA accompanied of a copy of a supporting document of identity and a certificate on honnor by their residence.
b) the users of a site in French language depending on Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. which were seen conferring, with some title that it is, of the technical rights usually raising of the prerogatives or the missions of a system administrator, are famous being active members of French-speaking WIKIMÉDIA without payment of contribution if they satisfy the other conditions of inscription.
Can be removed without disadvantage from the statutes.
c) the membership is lost by the resignation, the death, the radiation pronounced by the board of directors on serious grounds. The decision of radiation pronounced by the council d?administration is worth suspension jusqu?à its ratification by the general assembly.
Not paying the contribution is not a reason for radiation but involves the suspension of the voting rights upto the payment of the current contribution and of its arrear.
II the representative of Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
The president of French WIKIMÉDIA notifies with the Board of Trustees of Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. the order of the day in English of each general assembly at least a month before the date of beginning of this one, hardly of nullity of the aforementioned general assembly.
The identity and the residence of the representative of Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. is notified by any means by the president of this association to the president of French-speaking WIKIMÉDIA before the poll closure to which Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. wishes to take share. It joint with this notification, by any means, copies of a supporting document of identity of the representative chosen, which mentions at least his date and birthplace.
III Users
All the users of a site in French language depending on Wikimedia Foundation, Inc can forward of the proposals for deliberations to the board, under their right of initiative, at the latest two months before the general date of the beginning of the assembly. The board draws up a list of the received proposals and decides, a discretionary way, the inscription of those within the order of the day of the general assembly nearest.
[modifier] ARTICLE 8: General meeting
I Train general assemblies
General The assembly is the sovereign organe of the French-speaking WIKIMÉDIA association.
Within the meaning of the present statutes, any deliberation of the active members of followed French-speaking WIKIMÉDIA is famous general assembly of a vote organized by any means, and in particular by the intermedary of the sites in French language depending on Wikimedia Foundation, Inc, and this for one fifteen days minimal length of time. The technical methods of the operations of vote are laid down by the rules of procedure.
General The assembly behaviour under these conditions is materialized by minutes approved by the members of the board and preserved at the head-quarters of the association, whose contents are put on line on the sites in French language dependent on Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. in the forms and conditions determined by the rules of procedure. A synthesis in English language of this official report is dispatched with the Board of Trustees of Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. in the 30 days by the president of the board, with copy of the original in French.
II Ordinary general meeting
The ordinary general assembly takes place per annum at least once and includes/understands all the adherent members of up to date the association of their contribution fifteen days at least before the beginning of the poll.
a) Behaviour
The behaviour of the assembly general ordinary is decided by the president or the board, or a third of the active members of association. The Board of Trustees of Wikimedia Foundation, Inc can also request the ordinary behaviour of a general assembly from the president of French-speaking WIKIMÉDIA.