Discuter:Ultimatum allemand à la Pologne
Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.
[modifier] [Polish September Campaign, wp-en]
On 29 August, Germany issued Poland a final ultimatum, now demanding the Polish Corridor in its entirety. When Poland refused to hand over the territory, German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop declared negotiations with Poland to be at an end. On 30 August, the Polish Navy sent its destroyer flotilla to Britain as advised. Meanwhile, Poland braced for war. On the same day, Polish Marshal Rydz-Śmigly announced mobilization of Polish troops. However, he was pressured into revoking the order by the French, who apparently still hoped for a diplomatic settlement, failing to realize that the Germans were fully mobilized and concentrated at the Polish border. On 31 August 1939, Hitler ordered hostilities against Poland to start at 4:45 the next morning. Due to the prior discontinuation, Poland managed to mobilise only 70% of its planned forces, and many units were still forming or moving to their designated frontline positions.