Université Rutgers
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L'Université Rutgers ou Rutgers, L'Université de L'État du New-Jersey est la plus importante université de l'état du New-Jersey et l'une des plus importantes universités d'état americaine. Son campus principal est situé dans les villes de New Brunswick et de Piscataway.
Initialement, Rutgers était un collège de la Reine crée en 1766. Auparavant établissement protestant, il est devenu depuis un établissement laic. Rutgers devint en 1945, l'Université d'état du New-Jersey sur décision du parlement de l'état. L'université de Newark en 1946, puis l'université de Camdem en 1950, fusionnèrent avec elle. Leurs campus sont devenus des campus annexe.
Dans le domaine sportif, les Rutgers Scarlet Knights défendent les couleurs de l'Université Rutgers.
[modifier] Divisions des campus du New Brunswicket de Piscataway
- Cook College
- Douglass College
- Livingston College
- Rutgers College (le premier collège à partir duquel l'Université s'est developpée)
- University College–New Brunswick (Ecole pour étudiants non-traditionnels)
- College of Nursing
- Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
- Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy (Seule faculté de pharmacie du New Jersey)
- Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology
- Graduate School of Education
- Mason Gross School of the Arts
- Rutgers Business School–New Brunswick
- School of Communication, Information and Library Studies
- School of Engineering
- School of Management and Labor Relations
- School of Social Work
D'autres divisions se situent sur les campus de Rutgers-Newark ou Rutgers-Camden.
As of July 2005, the Task Force on Undergraduate Education has proposed the merger of Douglass, Livingston, University, and Rutgers Colleges into the Rutgers College of Arts and Sciences as well as other major reforms to various aspects of Undergraduate Education. It is also suspected that the University would use this to systematically raise admissions standards for all undergraduates. The proposal of the task force has likely approval from the Board of Trustees, the Board of Governors, and President McCormick. Students and alumni of Rutgers, University, and Livingston colleges are overwhelmingly in approval of the changes while many students and alumnae of Douglass College are adamantly opposed to the plan as it would eliminate the all-female college. However, since all undergraduates currently take classes together from the unified faculty anyway and the Women's Clubs, Leadership programs, and Female-only housing would remain under the proposal it would appear that the "Save Douglass" pleas will fall on deaf ears.