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Source: http://www.history.navy.mil/photos/images/h96000/h96813c.htm
Photo #: NH 96813
Surrender of Wake Atoll, 4 September 1945
Raising the U.S. flag over Wake Island on 4 September 1945, as a U.S. Marine Corps bugler plays "Colors". This was the first time the Stars and Stripes had flown over Wake since its capture by the Japanese on 23 December 1941. The officer saluting in the right foreground is Rear Admiral Shigematsu Sakaibara, Japanese commander on Wake. Colors carried by the U.S. party, right background, include the U.S. Marine Corps flag. Photographed by R.O. Kepler, USMC.
U.S. Marine Corps Photograph, in the Collections of the Naval Historical Center.
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