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[edit] Summary
Yalta summit in 1945 with Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt and Josef Stalin
Source: [1]
The source web page include the following caption: Photo #: USA C-543 (Color)
Yalta Conference, February 1945
Allied leaders pose in the courtyard of Livadia Palace, Yalta, during the conference. Those seated are (from left to right):
Also present are USSR Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov (far left); Admiral of the Fleet Sir Andrew Cunningham, R.N., and Marshal of the Royal Air Force Sir Charles Portal, R.A.F. (both standing behind Churchill); and Fleet Admiral William D. Leahy, USN, (standing behind Roosevelt).
Note ornate carpets under the chairs.
Tight crop on three leaders, Less tightly cropped.
[edit] Licensing
Photograph from the Army Signal Corps Collection in the U.S. National Archives.
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