Talk:Géza von Habsburg
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His k.u.k. Highness is indeed the grandson of the last King of Saxony. The story of his grandmother Luise's running away from the Saxon Court with the tutor of her children is very famous. k.u.k. Hoheit Geza is indeed listed in the Habsburg family tree as 79th in line for the Imperial throne. However he cannot be the great great grandson of the late Emperor Franz Josef I and his late wife Elisabeth of Bavaria. If he were he would be a lot further up the tree than 79th. Franz Josef and Elisabeth had 2 children to survive to adulthood: the famous suicide Rudolf and a daughter, Maria Valerie. Rudolf had a daughter Elisabeth Marie, who married an Italian Prince of Toscana. Franz Josef had no direct male descendants to pass on the Habsburg name. That was the reason Franz Ferdinand and subsequently Karl I were Franz Josef's heirs, and they were only great nephews. k.u.k. Durchlaucht Geza might just be a great great grandson of His late k.u.k. Majesty Franz II/I. I have been unable to locate his father in the Imperial line or his grandfather with the dates that are given for him. Can someone else clarify this??? 14:37, 19 March 2007 (UTC)Lebzelter
OK- I finally tracked it down. k.u.k. Hoheit Geza von Habsburg is the son of Josef Franz the grandson of Josef August Viktor, the great grandson of Josef Karl Ludwig, the great great grandson of Josef Anton von Habsburg, the Palatine of Hungary, + 1847 in Buda, and the great great great grandson of His late Imperial Majesty Leopold II of the Holy Roman Empire who was brother of the Emperor Joseph I and thus k.u.k. Durchlaucht Geza is a great great great great grandson of her late Imperial Majesty Maria Theresia. 19:23, 19 March 2007 (UTC)Lebzelter
- First of all, the styles you are trying to use are a mess. Try to stick to English. Secondly:
- Francis Joseph of Austria and Elisabeth in Bavaria ---> Archduchess Gisela of Austria ---> Princess Augusta of Bavaria ---> Archduke Joseph of Austria ---> Archduke Géza of Austria (a.k.a Géza von Habsburg). He is a descendant of Francis Joseph and Sissi. Charles 22:40, 19 March 2007 (UTC)
Interesting. Thanks. The article though makes it sound as if that's where he gets the Habsburg name. He is descended on the female side from their late Imperial majesties. His late father was a direct descendant of Leopold II.
Und ich sage Ihnen auch etwas, wenn Sie so gut deutsch reden koennen, wie ICH, dann duerfen Sie ruhig die Anreden korregieren, die ich fuer Durchlaucht gebraucht habe. Sie koennen mir glauben dass sie alle stimmen.
Geza von Habsburg is all of the above 'k.u. k.' means Imperial and Royal; 'Hoheit' means Highness and 'Durchlaucht' is a form of address, meaning Illustrious ---- members of the nobility are always addressed in 3rd person with the 2nd person formal forms or in the 2nd person plural. 15:39, 20 March 2007 (UTC)Lebzelter