Gary Birdsong
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Gary Eugene Birdsong is a travelling fundamentalist Christian preacherwho frequents college campuses across the United States, particularly in North Carolina. He is known for his unorthodox interpretation of the Bible and his theatrical, accusatory style of preaching. He will often argue vehemently with other, more moderate Christians, who often accuse him of misrepresenting the Christian faith and driving people away from it with his extremism.
Birdsong, known to his audience as "The Pit Preacher" (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), "The Brickyard Preacher" (at North Carolina State University), "Joyner Steps Preacher" (at East Carolina University), "Preacher Gary" (at UNC Charlotte), or simply "Gary", has a large repertoire of subjects on which he preaches, ranging from the standards of heaven and hell, to drug use, premarital sex, homosexuality, Islam, atheism, feminism, communism, masturbation, rock and rap music, abortion, evolution, tolerance, politics, war, fashion, witchcraft, and demonic possession. In the course of his sermons, he has been known to accuse members of his audience (particularly those who disagree with him) of being sinners, homosexuals (often stating that homosexuality is an effect of marijuana use or reading sexually explicit magazines), fornicators, masturbators, drug users, "lesbos" or "wicked, wicked women!" or state that they are "going to Helllllllllllfire!" Additionally, according to one of his recent sermons, he referred to all women as "manipulators, liars, and witches who need to learn to submit [to male authority]." Birdsong also believes that women should wear dresses, not pants, especially to church. There are various entries of Birdsong on YouTube.
Birdsong claims to have been a Hell's Angel before becoming a Christian.
[edit] Students' reactions
Birdsong often draws a crowd as he preaches. His fundamentalist views and confrontational style draw onlookers from all ideological and religious backgrounds to argue with him. Veteran "Gary Watchers" usually sit and observe quietly or heckle him with disruptive remarks.
At times, students take more aggressive action. For example, it is common for same-sex couples to kiss or for students to openly read pornographic literature during his sermons. Objects lain down by Birdsong are often stolen by members of the audience, an activity that seems to be a crowd favorite at the University of North Carolina at Asheville. For example, a girl snatched his Bible from his hand and ran away. Once, while preaching on the immodest dress of young women at UNC-Chapel Hill, he spotted a girl walking by in what he considered acceptable clothing for a female. He called attention to this, and in response the young lady removed her clothes and walked on.
Some students do not believe that Birdsong actually holds his stated beliefs. They contend that he is either mentally insane, intentionally provocative, or even paid by universities to incite discussions among students. Some view him as a caricature of Christian fundamentalism, or possibly a real-life straw-man made to be easy to discredit.
Attacks on Birdsong are not uncommon. At North Carolina State University a student planned with others to strip down to a thong and dance while music blared from a nearby car. Also at NCSU, he was hit on the top of the head with a cream pie by a passing bike rider. He also had chocolate milk poured down his back by an openly bisexual woman whom he had just lambasted. Crowds sometimes get so raucous that Birdsong designates a "Pervert Zone," which he completely ignores.
In 2002 at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, a group of several large men picked up Birdsong against his will, carried him to the lake and tossed him into the water to the cheers of onlookers. After Birdsong extricated himself from the algae-filled lake he returned to the centrally located Belk Tower and resumed preaching. Most recently, while Birdsong preached, an electric guitarist began to play rock music while two female freshmen danced with one another and took off their shirts. At seeing this Birdsong left the scene. Two days later, he returned to UNCC and was greeted by two electric guitarists, who played while three girls danced and took off their shirts. Birdsong once again left, but was followed by two of the shirtless girls.
Recently at UNC-CH, in 2006, Birdsong was verbally assaulted by a student in a masked batman costume. The masked man proceeded to ask Birdsong if he had ever touched himself, thus portraying Gary as a "sinner" in the eyes of innocent onlookers.
There are earlier instances of Birdsong's antics at the University of North Carolina. In the mid-90s he was tormented regularly by a bike riding gentleman who answered to the name of "Sunny." This gentleman would make it a point to arrive at UNC-CH's Pit whenever Birdsong would begin to preach. Initially "Sunny" would question Birdsong before going into blatant harassment, which was sure to entertain whatever crowd Birdsong had gathered that day. These antics usually involved riding his bicycle in a circle around Birdsong, asking him questions about masturbation, and one time taking Birdsong's bible and running off with it. Feeling that this was inappropriate, "Sunny" returned the Bible to Birdsong and apologized for taking it from him. To this Birdsong said, "Yeah you brought it back - didn't like what it said."
On March 8th, 2007, Birdsong was removed from The Pit by UNC Police following an incident. According to reports, members of the UNC outdoor recreation program "Carolina Adventures" had reserved half of The Pit to promote their programs. Shortly after they set up their materials, Gary entered The Pit near their table and began to preach. They asked him to move away from their table and Birdsong moved about five feet from his previous location. The representatives for Carolina Adventures did not feel this was sufficient and subsequently summoned UNC Police to remove Birdsong from the area. He was removed to loud jeers directed at the police from the crowd that had gathered to watch him preach[1]. Birdsong was issued a trespass warning that prevents him from entering The Pit for two years. He can appeal the warning after one year. He has since come back to preach in front of Davis Library, about 100 feet from The Pit[2].