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Gardening is the art of growing plants with the goal of crafting a purposeful landscape. Residential gardening most often takes place in or about a residence, in a space referred to as the garden. Although a garden typically is located on the land near a residence, it may also be located in a roof, in an atrium, on a balcony, in a windowbox, or on a patio or vivarium.
Sowing is the process of planting seeds.
Hand sowing is the process of casting handfuls of seed over prepared ground: broadcasting. Usually, a drag or harrow is employed to incorporate the seed into the soil. Though labor intensive for any but small areas, this method is still used in some situations. Practice is required to sow evenly and at the desired rate. A hand seeder can be used for sowing, though it is less of a help than it is for the smaller seeds of grasses and legumes.
Generally, seed packets labels includes:
- Common plant name and the botanical name (in parentheses).
- Space and deep: how deep to place the seeds in the soil, space between plants (from one row to the other one and from one plant to the other one in the same row).
- Height: approximate height the plant will reach when mature.
- Soil: type of soil the plant prefers.
- Water: It can indicate "keep the soil lightly damp", "bottom water the plant", "drench the soil with water", "daily misting of water" and "almost dry out before re-watering".
- Sun: full direct sunlight, partial sun, diffused sunlight, or grows well in the shade.
- Door and temperature: if the plant is best suited for growing Indoor, Outdoor or Both.
- Live: Perennial or annual.
- Planting, germination and harvest period: a lot of plant are planted in March. This information can be indicated by months or quarters of the year.
- Special requirements, if necessary.
This information can be represented graphically.