Talk:Geli Raubal
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Hitler was certainly not a "devout vegetarian" after 1931, and there are many proposed reasons for his vegetarianism, the most common being stomach problems. However, I've left the vegetarian bit in this article in a weaker form, not having any cites to confirm or deny it. Adking80 06:04, 8 May 2005 (UTC) <-- less bias.
[edit] Das Verbot
Hitler hatte ein sexuelles Verhältnis zu seiner Nichte, obwohl er eigentlich eher schwul war. Jedenfalls hat er ihr alles mögliche verboten, woraufhin sie sich mit seiner Pistole das Leben nahm. Although Hitler was in reality gay, he had a sexual relationship with his niece. Anyways he forbid all possible things, leading her to take her own life. Simon Mayer, 4. August 2005
- Note, there is zero evidence or support for any assertion that "AH was gay." There is lots of evidence he was involved in an incestuous relationship with his niece, which was socially acceptable among certain groups in the area where he grew up (his mother Klara was his father Alois' cousin on both sides of her family). Wyss 13:40, 4 August 2005 (UTC)
- sorry, but I cannot understand you!
This is the English Wikipedia. Try the German one? Wyss 13:19, 5 August 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Incest?
Use of the term incest to describe AH's relationship with GR is problematic.
- We don't know if they were ever intimate
- If they were, incest to most anglo-saxon readers would imply a criminal act, which it would not have been at that time and place
- Marriage between close cousins etc was normal in AH's family and was not illegal. His parents Alois and Klara were closely and similarly related, for example.
The evidence indicates suicide more than murder and that's the broad consensus of historians. There is zero evidence AH murdered his niece, only speculation (most of what which seems based on rumours, inuendo and/or disinformation circulating at the time and during the later 1930s, not documented facts). There is plenty of evidence she felt somehow trapped in a relationship, important details about which we do not know, and in a moment of despair took her own life with a pistol she knew to be in the Munich apartment. Wyss 00:19, 4 September 2005 (UTC)
- Is sex with a half-niece considered to be incest in modern Germany? I know that Roman Catholics need(ed) to obtain a dispensation for Uncle-Niece marriages (Hitler was, or at least started out, as a Catholic). Also, as late as the 1960's a marriage with a half-niece was not considered incest in California and no doubt other states as well. Ironically, I don't think such marriages are/were considered incestuous in Jewish marriages and I've read that there is an eastern U.S. state where such marriages are still legal for Jews. An academic observation - If such relationships were not considered incestuous under the laws in effect at the time and place, the label should be removed from the main article. In any event, Hitler was certainly a misogynist and possibly a latent homosexual. The one and only time he was seen kissing a woman on the lips was in the bunker shortly before his death. Hitler viewed women as little more than breeding stock.
Pictures that Hitler did of Geli naked are here:
The article above also states that Geli told her lover that Hitler made her do things that sickened her. I'm not saying there's total evidence of him raping her or beating her, or having her whip or kick him, but there's definitely suspcious circumstances, especially since Geli supposedly committed suicide. Even that could be Hitler's doing.
I do find it odd that an older uncle would have a younger neice pose naked for him, even if it is in an artistic manner.
- Erm, to paraphrase one historian, this sort of goggle-eyed jabbering says skeins more about the commentators than it does about AH. Gwen Gale 21:04, 14 February 2007 (UTC)