Talk:Gemological Institute of America
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As a Graduate Gemologist of the GIA, I would like to see this article expanded. There is a great amount of rich history connected with the Insitute since its founding. Actually, I see a need for biographies of Shipley and Liddicoat to be written on Wikipedia. Much of what the GIA is today is based upon their talent,skills, and leadership as past Presidents of the Institute. I wrote Dona Dirlam (Liddicoat Library at Carlsbad) an e-mail regarding biographical assistance, but, much to my regret recieved no answer. I will try again to see if any staff member of the Institute would be willing to colloborate with me on such a project. T.E. Goodwin 05:47, 18 March 2006 (UTC)
There are a number of staff members including the head of GIA Marketing and the GIA Library who have recently become aware of the Wikipedia article(s) and are presently formulating a plan to contribute content. [GIA] 31 October 2006