Genia Tou Chaous
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Genia Tou Chaous (Greek:Γενια Του Χάους = Generation Of Chaos) is probably the most influential Greek punk band of the '80s.
The lyrics and the music were of punk origin, with gothic, pessimistic attitude and clear heavy-metal elements.
[edit] Members
What follows is a list of people who were members of the band in various times.
Nikos Vosdoganis | guitar |
Nikos Vosdoganis (cousin of the former) | bass guitar |
Aris Lampidis | |
Θοδωρής Ηλιακόπουλος | vocals,drums |
Κώστας Χατζόπουλος | guitar |
Άκης Αμπραζής | bass guitar, vocals |
Αλέξης Αλιφέρης | bass guitar, keyboards |
Δημήτρης Παππάς | guitar, vocals |
Γιώργος Δρακόπουλος | keyboards |
[edit] Discography
1. “Διατάραξη Kοινής Hσυχίας” (Enigma) 1984.
The band participates in this collection of Greek punk bands with two tracks.
Their song “Μπασταρδοκρατία” (Bastardocracy) is even today a “must” for new bands and punk concerts.
It is most likely that it is the most “played” Greek punk song.
2. “Η Γενιά Του Χάους και Το Αδιέξοδο σας εύχονται καλή όρεξη”.
Split demo with the band “Αδιέξοδο”.
3. “Γενιά του Χάους” (Δικαίωμα Διάβασης) 1986.
First solo album.
4. “Ρέκβιεμ για ξεπεσμένους θεούς” (Δικαίωμα Διάβασης) 1989.
Second and last solo album. After a while the band broke up.
5. “Ρέκβιεμ” (Wipe Out) 1996.
A compilation of albums 3 and 4.
[edit] External links
You can find more information on the band in the following links:
You can find music of the band in the following links:
Some lyrics can be found here (in Greek language):