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Geniusbrain Worldwide Sdn. Bhd. is a research and development company that has created accelerated learning method in various fields. GeniusBrain System is a revolutionary learning system that enable students to learn beyond their normal learning capabilities. Through a unique licensing system, the company is able to provide opportunity to those who want to adopt the system and set up their centre with exclusive licensing rights. The company is providing business consultation, marketing consultation, presentation materials, testimonials, centre's guidelines, facilitator's training and certification, instructor's materials to the GeniusBrain Licensees.
The company's unique service and marketing strategy is aggressively demonstrated and marketed. Among the company's products are: 1. Super Learning Techniques Super learning programme that enhances participant's learning potential. Programmes include mnemonic techniques (help participants to remember better), notes taking techniques (effective notes taking skills), examination techniques (reducing examination stress), speed reading (double existing reading speed), thinking skills (problems solving abilities) etc.
2. GB Junior For Self Esteem Development Increase children's self-esteem. Self-esteem is crucial for a child's development. A student with a positive self esteem will have a higher chance to succeed in life. GB Junior consists of 48 special designed activities that were based on Multiple Intelligences. These activities include metamorphose, amity, self-esteem, parent-link, intrapersonal and interpersonal.
3. Photographic Memory For Pre Schooler Increase students memory abilities and their eyes capturing speed. Develop students self esteem through new gain abilities.
4. GB Maths For Fast Calculations Basic mathematics foundation that increases participant's interest in mathematics. Quick calculations without the usage of abacus or calculators. Consists of finger calculation methods and various calculation activities that enhances participants creativity. Learning mathematics will never be the same again.
5. Amazing Arts For Arts Creativity Through powerful and creative learning methods, participants will be able to create their own internal world through colouring and arts activities. Colour mixture through colour pencil, crayon and water colour will be a part of the programme. Participants will learn cartoon drawing techniques to further enhance their creativity and abilities.
6. 3EP English Phonics For Phonetic Approach In Reading Enhances participant's pronunciation skills. Participants will be able to read at an early age using blended sounds and understand the mechanics and construction of English Phonics. Participants will increase their vocabulary by learning new words that are useful in their daily life.
COMPANY / BUSINESS HISTORY Geniusbrain Worldwide Sdn. Bhd. (formerly known as Edumaster Learning Technology) was founded in 1999 and has enjoyed excellent growth in sales and earnings. For the first two years of operation, the company’s main focus was in research and development of super learning techniques. From the third year onwards, the company was providing GeniusBrain Seminars to educationist and the general public to create awareness. Those who graduated from GeniusBrain Instructor Training then initiated the teaching of the super learning system to children of the targeted group. This has set a platform for the company to identify the areas of improvements in the system and to strengthen it. The company also gained a mileage by providing the super learning programme to 4 government schools for their pilot project. This serves as a primary feedback on the programmes conducted and it shows encouraging results from students. The practical teaching conducted by various facilitators all over the country has provided a lot of apprehension for the company to increase the products effectiveness to a higher level. After GeniusBrain System has been proven for its results, the company started to provide consultation services to individuals/companies who wanted to operate a GeniusBrain Super Learning Centre. The pioneer centres started with GeniusBrain Super Learning System as a stand alone programme. In 2005, the company began to launch new learning packages for GeniusBrain Centres to enable them to provide varieties activities to their existing and potential participants. This decision enabled those who followed the company’s guidelines and implementation methods to profit more from their business.
For more information about the system, you can logon their websites at: