Talk:General Alcazar
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[edit] Alcazar
As a matter of fact, General Alcazar is one of two rival military dictators of San Theodoros, the other being Gen. Tapioca. The two are used to overthrowing each other in turn. Although Alcazar is such a dictator, he is nonetheless considered as a goody, contrary to the other. Though Alcazar sentenced Tintin to death, allegedly for high treason (Broken Ear, pp.35-37), he was however glad to meet Tintin again, after he went into exile, working as knife thrower in a European music hall (7 Crystal Balls, pp. 9-13, 57).
- In the last episode (Tintin and the Picaros), he seems to be somewhat as vain as his rival: he wanted to name 'Alcazaropolis' the capital city, whose original name was 'Las Dopicos', and that was renamed 'Tapiocapolis' afterwards (p. 54).
- However, it's a shame that Alcazar did no more than Tapioca to help the lowest classes of the population living in shantytowns. Those poor people are still compelled to live in filth under the constant surveillance of military police whose uniforms only changed (p. 11 and 62).