George Dvorsky
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George P. Dvorsky (born on May 11, 1970) is an agenda-driven futurist who is the organizer of the Betterhumans online community and the author of the Sentient Developments blog. Dvorsky is also a co-founder and president of the Toronto Transhumanist Association, has served on the board of directors for the World Transhumanist Association, and currently serves on the board of the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies. Primarily concerned with the ethical and sociological impacts of emerging technologies and, specifically, human enhancement technologies; Dvorsky seeks to promote open discussion for the purposes of education and foresight. He writes and speaks on a wide range of topics, including technoscience, ethics, and futures studies, from a democratic transhumanist and technoprogressive perspective.[1][2]
George Dvorsky presented an argument for non-human animal biological uplift at the IEET Human Enhancement Technologies and Human Rights conference at Stanford University in May 2006;[3][4] and wrote the first published article in defence of the Ashley Treatment in November 2006,[5] and subsequently the only bioethicist cited by Ashley X's parents in their defense.[6]
Dvorsky is an outspoken secular, liberal Buddhist;[7] technogaian environmentalist;[8] ethical vegetarian;[9] and animal rights activist.[10]
George Dvorsky has coined the following terms:
- Astrosociobiology, the speculative scientific study of extraterrestrial civilizations and their possible social characteristics and developmental tendencies.[11]
- Postgenderism, a social philosophy which seeks the elimination of gender in the human species through the application of advanced biotechnology and assisted reproductive technologies;[5]
- Techlepathy, neurotechnologically-assisted telepathy.[12]
[edit] Betterhumans
Betterhumans is an internet social network service. Betterhumans is a privately-owned site founded in Toronto, Canada, by media strategist Simon Smith and ethical futurist George Dvorsky in 2006. Betterhumans is dedicated to the discussion and promotion of futures studies and human enhancement. Through the facilitation and aggregation of content and the creation and application of enabling communications technology, Betterhumans aims "to get more people thinking about the future, inspire people into assuming a proactive and participatory role in its creation and build, lead and support an informed movement [i.e. democratic transhumanism] for positive change". Prior to March 2006, Betterhumans was primarily an editorial production company.[1][13][2][4]
[edit] References
- ^ a b Humphrey, Stephen (2004). "No Death, Please, I'm Bionic: Cyborg-Obsessed Transhumanists Push Bioethical Limits While Fending Off Foes From All Sides". Retrieved on 2007-03-03.
- ^ a b Mayer, Andre (2005). "The Great Byte Hope". Retrieved on 2007-03-03.
- ^ Dvorsky, George (2006). "IEET Monograph Series: All Together Now: Developmental and ethical considerations for biologically uplifting non human animals". Retrieved on 2007-02-09.
- ^ a b Bailey, Ronald (2006). "The Right to Human Enhancement: And also uplifting animals and the rapture of the nerds". Retrieved on 2007-03-03.
- ^ a b Dvorsky, George (2006). "Helping families care for the helpless". Retrieved on 2007-02-09.
- ^ Dvorsky, George (2007). "The "Ashley Treatment": Towards a Better Quality of Life for "Pillow Angels"". Retrieved on 2007-02-09.
- ^ Sentient Developments: Buddhism.
- ^ Dvorsky, George (2003). "Technophiles and Greens of the World, Unite!". Retrieved on 2007-03-19.
- ^ Dvorsky, George (2006). "Ethical eats". Retrieved on 2007-03-19.
- ^ Dvorsky, George (2006). "The myth of our exalted human place". Retrieved on 2007-03-19.
- ^ Dvorsky, George (2005). "New Wikipedia article: Postgenderism". Retrieved on 2007-02-09.
- ^ Dvorksy, George (2004). "Evolving Towards Telepathy". Retrieved on 2007-02-09.
- ^ Hughes, James. "Changesurfer Radio: An interview with Simon Smith, editor of", 2005. Retrieved on 2007-02-01.
[edit] External links
- Sentient Developments George Dvorsky's blog
- Transitory Human Dvorsky's archived Betterhumans column
- Will death die? Dvorsky as a guest on The Hour with George Stroumboulopoulos
- Betterhumans
- Media coverage of Betterhumans