George Pollard Jr.
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George Pollard, Jr. (1791 – 1882) was the captain of the whaling ship Essex.
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[edit] Early ages
At age 28, Pollard was an early sailor. He was born in Nantucket. He led two voyages on the ship the Essex, one as a boatsteerer, another as First Mate.
[edit] Essex
In 1819, Pollard was given the Essex and assigned as the captain. It was his responsibility to watch the other sailors as well as his cousin, Owen Coffin, whom his mother had given full capacity to Pollard. Pollard chose Owen Chase and Matthew Joy as his first and second mates from the other voyages of the Essex. Most whaleships had set off by that season and it was difficult to find sailors. Pollard asked several greenhands to join the ship.
The greenhands turn out to be disaster. Within leaving Nantucket, there is a knockdown and one whaleboat is badly destroyed. Pollard suggests heading back, but Chase and Joy disagree. They decide the Azores would supply them with whaleboats. As they head into the south Atlantic, Owen Chase took down a whale that they have sighted and replaces Benjamin Lawrence, the former boatsteerer.
[edit] Attack and plan
On November 20, 1820, the Essex was struck twice by a large 85-foot (26 m) sperm whale, with three shipkeepers and the crew of Chase's whaleboat aboard for repairs. The Essex began taking in water the second time. Chase's crew evacuated, taking the navigational equipment and Pollard's and Chase's sea chest with them. Meanwhile, Pollard and Joy were hunting small whales near the ship. Returning to find the Essex destroyed, the crew of the Essex chopped off the masts (a necessary move that would enable the ship to stay upright for a longer time) and outfitted the whaleboats with sails and masts using the Essex's spars and sails. They also hastened to find provisions and found them, dividing the provisions equally between each ship, leaving every ship with 200 pounds of hardtack, 65 gallons of freshwater, and two Galapagos tortoises. Then, Pollard, Chase, and Joy took the whaleboats and sailed off with provisions worthy of 60 days. Pollard, Chase, and Joy set up a council to decide which direction to sail in. Pollard suggested sailing to the Society Islands, which were a little further away than the Marquesas, but did not have any rumours of cannibalism. However, on the grounds that very little were known about the Society Islands, Matthew and Joy disagreed, propsing instead to sail for some variable breezes they could ride to South America. Pollard reluctantly gave in to the mates and sailed for South America.
[edit] Island
Pollard had 7 other members aboard, including Samuel Reed, Barzailli Ray, Owen Coffin, Obed Hendricks, Charles Ramsdell, William Wright, and Charles Shorter? Within near starvation, Pollard and Chase reached the Island of Henderson and stayed there for 7 days. They were unable to find freshwater until later at a spring. William Wright, Joseph West, and Seth Weeks stayed on the island for survival as the others sailed off.
[edit] Cannibalism
Sailing east to land, Pollard and Chase had seen Matthew Joy's health decline. He was weakened to the point that he could not control the boat he was assigned to. Joy wished to die with his own people and within a few hours, he died. Days later, Chase's boat was separated from Pollard. With no commander of Joy's ship, Pollard gave Obed Hendricks to Joy's boat and they sailed off. Joy's illness prevented close management of provisions. As well as he could decide, the food would last a few days. That food ran out and Obed and his men spoke of Pollard sharing his food. Pollard gave in and shared what little provisions he had. Days later, Lawson Thomas died. Obed spoke of something no one else wanted: cannibalism. The men agreed that they would save the little crumbs of hardtack for death and ate Thomas's body. Charles Shorter died later and he was eaten. However, Hendricks's boat was far away, and the weak and thirsty men of Pollard's ship could not fire the pistol.
[edit] Drawing of lots
The next day, Charles's body was eaten and Charles Ramsdell spoke what was next. They would cast lots and that person would have to die to feed the others. Pollard declared that that should not happen, but gave in once again. Owen Coffin was chosen. Charles shot his best friend and they all ate the carcass. Pollard would have to explain to Owen's mother what had happened to her son.
[edit] Rescued
After Owen was finished, Barzaillai Ray died. He too was eaten. However, that ended Pollard and Ramsdell's food. With no more deaths, they both cracked the bones of the dead shipmates and sucked on the marrow. Rescue came to them near the coast of Peru, and a ship, the Dauphin, saved them.
[edit] Future
Pollard's future was bright as he set sail again on ship on The Two Brothers along with fellow members, Charles Ramsdell and Thomas Nickerson. However, it sunk near the Alaskan Coast. Later, Pollard's life led him to a night watchman of Nantucket, where he worked the rest of his life.
[edit] See also
Revenge of the Whale - 2004