Talk:Gerald Jay Sussman
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Gerry Sussman totally rocks! Anyone at MIT--make sure you take one of his classes while you're here. You won't regret it.
[edit] Steele's poem on Sussman
Steele writes[1]:
- "Sussman built a hacker for a Ph.D. thesis. When will someone for a thesis build a hacker that builds a hacker?"
- Quaxity quuxity,
- Gerald J. Sussman made
- HACKER so famous for
- Loopholes it plugs.
- Armed with its knowledge of
- Entomological
- Manifestations, it
- Ferrets out bugs.
What's Steele talking about here? -- Gwern (contribs) 04:46, 21 September 2006 (UTC)
[edit] GNU?
Why is he in category GNU people? The biography here does not explain this!