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GhostDancer is Steve Foster.
Steve was born in Liverpool in 1958, is married, has a son and lives in Brentwood, Essex in the UK. He works as a management and IT consultant.
Steve is reasonably knowledgeable on Physics, Astronomy and many scientific matters. Yes, Steve does have an impressive scientific degree to back up this claim. However, there are certainly smarter and better qualified people writing here too.
Steve has a special interest in unusual and fringe beliefs, but does not hold to such beliefs himself. Instead, he wonders why people hold these beliefs and is fascinated by the strange thought processes that lead them to favour them over rational ones.
Steve has concerns about covert use of Wikipaedia to promote these strange beliefs through the guise of supposedly impartial articles. He sees parallels with the ID movement's tactics for gaining credibility. For some topics, there is no such thing as a neutral article. Steve believes that such stealth tactics should not go unchallenged. Yes, by all means write articles about these topics but make it clear that, in the light of current best knowledge, they are not mainstream, scientific, nor rational.
[edit] People and things that Steve admires
- Richard Dawkins
- Richard Feynman
- Sir Richard Burton
- Philip Glass
- Spinoza
- James Ellroy
- Tom Waits
- the Black Paintings of Goya
- Chile
- A Chinese Ghost Story
Steve 22:45, 22 October 2006 (UTC)