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[edit] Gogogdidi > aka ME
Hello, I am Gogodidi, my real name is Thies Gehrmann and i live in Norway I actually come from Germany, but I lived there for such little time that I dont have much knowledge of me ever being there, with the exception of my anual visit to my grandparents...
[edit] What I do
I spend most of my life in front of electrons, except when i go to school and when i eat and sleep... I front of my computer, i learn things, I spend time learning C++, its a funny story actually...
[edit] My story
How I became so interested in computers? That is a question that can only be answered by me it happened in about this order:
- Some time in 7th grade, I got an email adress, before this time, I hardly even knew the difference between the monitor and the machine, as we had one buggy WIN98SE computer, which connected to the internet via dial/up only when my dad checked his email, paid his bills, and when I went online to search for cheats to my video games...
- Then some day, I got the oldest computer, i moved it into my room, and I used it to type up my homework and stuff etc.
- At school, they were offering computer classes as an 'exploratory' thing, I chose computers twice that year, in which we went over some HTML, and our teacher, introduced us into the world of M$ VisualBasic a path I did not follow.
- The next year, in 8th grade I think, we had come across ASDL and I took some more computer classes in exploratory, where I learned some more HTML, a tad of JS and some CSS, I became hooked, and started creating a website on the hostspace our ISP had given us. It sucked I was also tipped off about Java, I tried to learn it, finding it too complicated, I quickly dumped it.
- At some point I got a new computer, whereupon i started learning PHP, using an external host.
- I heard news about linux, I had heard it was a thing you needed to know 5 programing languages to use, i quickly gave up the idea.
- Some time later, i found out more about Linux, so i learned about partitions and created some and installed mandrakelinux 10.
- I now havea dual boot system set up and I learn some more about linux along the way, and about all else related, thinking back, I know about 100000000% more than I did before.
- At some point, I discovered an IDE under linux called kdevelop, I compile a template hello-world program and my jaw drops, I started learning some more...
- Now, I own two computers, a laptop, and desktop. I am still learning C++ I have created several programs in PHP, but I have given that up for a while. I also feel very very snotty and arrogant with all this writing about myself
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