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The Goloring is a cultural and spiritual monument of Iron Age era, which dates back to the Urnfield culture (1200-800 B.C.). During this time a widespread solar cult existed in Central Europe.
The Goloring consists of a circular ditch of 175 meters of diameter with an outside embankment extending to 190 meters. The outside embankment is approx. 7 meters wide and 80 cm high. The ditch has an upper width of 5-6 meters and is approx. 80 cm deep. In the interior one can find a roughly circular leveled platform, which is about elevated by about 1 - 1.5 meters. The platform has been created based on piled graveled rock and has a diameter of 95 meters. Remnants of a 50 cm thick wooden posts with an estimated height of 8-12 meters were excavated in the middle of this platform.
The Goloring is thought to be one of the most significant Celtic cultural relics in central Europe. It is often compared to Stonehenge in England, which has similar diametric proportions.
The Goloring can be found near Koblenz, Germany. It is located within the boundaries of a former military dog training camp, but was acquired by the town of Kobern-Gondorf in June of 2004. Unfortunately, the Goloring is currently not accessible to the general public. However, there are plans under way to build a historic park with the Goloring at its center.
Dr. Röder investigated the Goloring between 1940-48 and wrote a book about it entitled "The Goloring An iron-temporal sanctum of the Henge character in the Koberner Forrest", which is currently out of print. A German version can be found Wisoveg.de - Goloring .
For other information please look at: MPPaulus - Goloring