Talk:Gordon Keith
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Gordo does NOT have a bag! He could exercise a little more discretion though. Personally, I get frustrated and more than a little disgusted when he gets so lazy that he defaults to his collection of death/deviant sex punch lines. At his worst, IMHO he's just an attention whore; I gladly give him props though, for the genius of using Wikipedia for self-promotion. — Your_P1_Host
Most of what he says is true, isn't it? - droopydave
i think so pmr
to say Gordo is a 'thought of' genius is quite rude, give a bit of a listen-up, and you will frequently find yourself as I do, in a parking lot waiting in your work van for 30 plus minutes for Gordo's corner to start... risking your job, your livelihood and contributing far less to society as you would have if you had gone into work when you first arrived in the parking lot. it can be had no other way than this. HotDog Neck
When analyzing Gordon's humor, a distinction should be made between a true sense of humor and a willingness to embarass yourself by saying something shocking.
Gordon has not made any sayings popular in the Dallas area.
Come on... Like you never hear "Bloody pants says 'I love you'!" At any rate, he is genius and very sexy. When I listen at work I sit and do nothing until 10am so I can listen to the Great Gordo. -P1 ticketchick
Gordon is a Brilliant person. He will end up on Saturday Night Live or a Comedey Central Show. I think he could do a local night show on t.v. A local talk show or Bit show. He did scratch my palm with his index finger once when I shook his hand. He was ready for action too. I am a Dude.
"Not all of Gordon's antics have been amusing to everyone who listens"
The sentence can apply to any person who has ever done an "antic" on the radio. Has anyone ever done an "antic" that left everyone who listened to it amused?
Come one people, Gordo is pure un-adulterated evil greatness! Not made any sayings in Dallas popular???!!! Baby arm, baby arm, baby arm! There are t-shirts and hats being worn in DFW right now as a tribute to the greatness of the Great Gordo. Musers are great, but Gordo carries the show. The sheer genius of the self promotion on this site is a testicle, or testament, whatever, to his wonderment.
~I would just like to point to an error in the subject's name. His name is Godorn Keith, not Gordon Keith as mentioned in this article.
--His dismal display of aural phantasmagoria will remain in our hearts forever. You will be missed! God bless you. Thank you for the good times-->Aphrodite Jenkins